Elsass, Paris 10

My new post on Elsass is now up.


Thanks for all the excellent reviews, onz, but a question for you (and other please do chime in). How would you rank OSE, Empriente, Hemicycle, Eunoe, Colbert and Geosmine if I could only pick 3 of those on my return December 2-3 weeks Paris trip?

I loved my lunches at Alliance, Petrelle and kgb (Oktobre) and will return to those. Also planning on Le Bon Georges, Les Parisiens and Magma, maybe Elsass, Chocho and Aux Crus de Bourgogne too.

Thoughts/suggestions welcome!

I’m going to send my Parisian Alsatian cousin the link to your post. :slight_smile:

Thanks for the kind words, kj (and others).

Each restaurant a different experience and a different expression. Like choosing a wine, I don’t think about ranking them, I think about what experience I want at a particular time (or in the case of a new restaurant, it’s not fully known but it’s an adventure)… It’s all part of the joy of Paris, not part of checking off a list to show what I’ve accomplished.


I hear what you are saying, onz, and my using the term ranking may have been wrong or misleading. When I think of the places I went in March, from the boisterous , fun Dubillot to the very small, quiet Montee, each was very different. As you say, it is about the complete experience. Also, I am not trying to get to the hottest places just to say I ate there.

All of that said, I’m only returning to Petrelle, Oktobre Alliance and maybe Perception. . For me, they had the right combination of warmth, great food, lack of pretension, and a good mix of French and non French clientele. While different, they felt just right but would not be my recommendations if someone wanted a more traditional meal in that type of setting.

Unfortunately when I come to Paris, I have a very limited amount of time so I need to be selective. So, I guess, keep overwhelming me with your enjoyable reviews and I’ll try to decode and decide where to go. :blush:

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6 posts were split to a new topic: [Paris 9] Petrelle

For a different (and simpler) Alsatian experience in Paris, I saw a very good mention about Schmoutz over in the 11th on rue Saint-Maur, quite noted for their Tartes Flambées and Alsatian wines.

A comment: Juste Excellent! Surement la flammekueche meilleur de Paris

Unfortunately for us it is only open in the evening, and we’ve stopped leaving Batignolles for evening meals. We are taking a break from Paris for a couple of days next week and – heading over to Strasbourg, so we’ll have ample opportunities when there.

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