California has a “cage free “ law that requires all eggs sold here be cage free. So our price structure has that qualifier built in. No “cheap” eggs here.
Cage free doesn’t mean free-range, or pastured. I would’ve thunk CA would be more progressive on that issue.
As I’ve noted, here (central NJ ShopRite) the cage-free brown are cheaper than the non-cage-free white.
Absolutely correct! Cage free is a bare. minimum standard. No requirement for outdoor access. Merely the ability to walk around in a crowded barn.
Today at Farm Boy in London, Ontario. Southwestern Ontario produces a lot of eggs, so that might keep the prices in Ontario down.
I’m surprised our Canadian eggs are cheaper than most US eggs right now.
Canadians have always paid a lot more for dairy, poultry, and meat.
Butter is $9 CAD/ lb today (around $6.25 USD), and 2 litre carton of milk (a bit more than 2 quarts ) costs me $5.29-$5.79 CAD (~ $3- $3.35 USD)
Farm Boy is Ontario’s equivalent to Trader Joe’s. It’s a copy cat in terms of products. It’s owned by one of the big 3 grocery store chains, Sobeys.
So I was in Market Basket tonight for work items, but I went to look at egg prices. The MB labeled large eggs had a price of $4.49 for 18 eggs with the limit of 2 per purchaser.
that’s what i paid last week at MB in somerville. nice to see they’re holding the price. hope they can keep it up.
Lotta eggs showing as “out of stock” on Instacart at Hannaford’s in Waltham, MA. From the in stock - Eggland’s Best large brown eggs are $6.99/dozen. Hannaford store brand - large white eggs are $7.99/dozen. Both are designated as “cage free”. Nellie’s large brown eggs “free range” - $9.99/18 count.
And today I was in Hannaford in Tewksbury, MA. Based on these prices, Market Basket has a better distributor.
Lg cage free white - $7.49
Lg cage free brown - $6.39
Pete and Gerry’s pasture raised Lg- $9.99
Nellie’s Free Range XLg - $6.09 (local)
They were sold out of the regular Hannaford brand Lg white and brown - $4.99 & $4.19, respectively.
I’ve been buying these specific eggs at my weekly farmer’s market in York, Pa since I returned here at the start of the pandemic. I honestly don’t track the price changes, but this is what they cost this week. Normally I buy the jumbo ones and I’m preeeeettty sure they weren’t $5 in December, the last time I bought eggs.
I have cake to make for 55 ppl this week so I was relieved the price wasn’t higher and supply didn’t seem impacted . At a different stand in the same market, I took this photo:
Growing up, double yolkers were always fun to be surprised with at my Grandma’s house in central PA!
Double yolkers are the best! Feels like winning the lottery, almost
My grandmother’s widowed sister-in-law lived next door to my grandparents. She had chickens. I remember the excitement of getting double yolked eggs. So cool! A family grocery around here used to sell cartons of them - but only for a short time. Don’t remember the source.
I once read that double yolks are from very young hens.
Yesterday at Safeway in SF, they only had house brand, cage free, 18 eggs for $14.00
that google number is very short - we buy supermarket eggs with a date 6 weeks out and they will last if chilled considerablly longer tho they may not exhibit the same signs of freshness as they go on they are still usable. The idea of throwing out perfectly good eggs because they have passed their use by date is ridiculous. If you read the actual online pieces they will recite the 3-5 but then say that eggs are usable past that date, can be particularly good for hard boiling and may be less good for some uses than others-. So please dont throw out your eggs. If you are concerned just dont buy any more for the present - eggs whether expired or unexpired do not improve in the refrigerator, its not worth a dollar or three to have less than optimum eggs.
Its weird in the supermarket how the prices vary between the types - recently some of the organic- free range etc eggs are being priced cheaper than the standard usually economical types - Id look over all the egg shelves to see where the best values are.