Eating while Drinking

…or drunk. What are your favorite things to eat at home or out in restaurants/diners/fast foods etc.
My friend Rob is gleaning material for his next book and you all seem like you’d be experts on the subject. :wink:


Um, that’s kind of broad, no?


Pizza (any toppings, I’m not picky)


“I am working on a “drunk food” book—what you eat when you are overindulging and have a craving for food, the “drunchies.” Apart from the usual suspects, like a bacon cheeseburger at Wendy’s, what is your unique go-to food and/or place to eat?”

He’s a fellow roadfooder from way back.

Wrote a book on swearing and how can you not appreciate that?

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Wings, döner kebab, currywurst, fries… anything hot, salty, greasy, cheesy, possibly carby. If I have the stuff at home, 3am stir-fried noodz or fried rice also hit the spot.

None of this being unique by any stretch, for sure.

ETA: How on earth did I forget pizza? That’s a no brainer, but then pizza is pretty much always welcome :yum:


That’s what I’m talkin’ about

Even shrimp and eggplant :eggplant:?


Shrimp?? Maybe…

Eggplant, not so much.

I think the year was 2005?? My Friday night routine was… go get a $5 Little Caesars Pepperoni pizza and put it in the fridge. Walk to this “hole in the wall pub” drink way too many pints of Guinness, a couple shots of tequila, stumble home and eat pizza.


When out: pierogi, mushroom barley soup, breakfast special, pizza
When home: cheese plate, potato chips and onion dip


Now that’s some advance planning!

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Drink food late at night back in the day was limited by what was open: pizza, falafel, and later kati rolls (open till 4).

At a bar, something salty, fried, and tasty enough to cut through the alcohol — limited by what they serve. Wings, chicken fingers, arancini, mozzarella sticks, you get the idea.

Koreans have a whole category of drinking food, he might enjoy looking that up. Japanese people have Izakaya food. Indians eat nuts, crunchy fried snack mixes, kababs and fried stuff (fritters, fish, you name it).


If we liken the exercise to choosing a specific drink+ food combination, instead of cataloguing history of downing this or that adult beverage with one comestible or another, our entry for this compilation is Guinness washing down fish and chips.


Yes… the job I had back then was awful. My pizza, Guinness and tequila routine was my reward for making it through the week.


Wow. Guinness and tequila in same session.


If you’re thinking clearly, probably not something that’!l make you hurl.
All those cute little canapes were made to accompany cocktail hour for a reason.

When I was a student and money was tight
Pizza was a treat late Friday night

……hey! I’m a poet! :smile:


Kimchee chigae the morning after does wonders.

While drinking? Wings. Quesadillas. Dips and chips. Charcuterie and cheese boards. Fried anything.

I have a particularly fond memory of eating a platter of braised e fu in London’s Soho while drinking too much red table wine. I think if you’ve had enough adult beverages, then anything is a good pairing at that point!


I don’t drink much these days, but when I did, I preferred fried foods/bar snacks while drinking (calamari, wings, etc). If I still had the munchies and was still drunk after I got home, I didn’t dare try to cook anything, so any leftovers were fair game, and if there were none, snackage like chips or crackers until I passed out. Thankfully, those days are long gone. I don’t think my body could take that kind of abuse anymore!