@DrewCoffman Here’s a video of a guy putting a camera on a sushi conveyer belt. It’s wonderful. Every table has a little story!



That’s excellent. Thanks for posting it.

I loved it! It did make me wonder if each person had to consent to sharing this. And so many plates!

The number of plates on the tables really surprised me!

It was very charming and a slice of life!

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“Every table has a little story.” The story at my table is how someone can quickly smash a camera to bits.

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Impossible, you can ban people from using their phone! And how about food photo?

I guess the owner sets the patron polucy?

I agree that banning cameras on the belt but people should still be able to film their food or themselves and if they have a birthday, they can’t have a photo of themselves?

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I agree. Maybe when public behavior causes a stir it ruins it for everyone.


I think this was more than food photos. No? I would not be ok with it, and I don’t have anything/much to hide. :thinking:



Or at the very least, smear it with wasabi and dunk it in soy sauce… (Oops! Sorry dude… My bad! :wink::grin:)


Often a place has a policy so they can deal with the rude people. Most likely if a group is polite and repectful of others the restaurant will not enforce it.

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If you read the article posted by rooster, they banned all photography. But anyway, the clients know the restaurant’s policy, it’s up to them to choose to eat there or not.

Personally, I’m vs the invasion of privacy of each individual. Imagine you were filmed eating with food dripping out of your mouth and the scene was immortalised in the social network, you are done! :fearful:

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I was surprise the camera wasn’t stolen! In France it would be long gone before it finished the tour on the belt! :joy:

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Wasn’t it interesting that most of the people on film waved and smiled while a few others just let the camera pass them by. No one appeared bothered. I think this idea is really contingent on the comfort level of the people being filmed and the restaurants enthusiasm…or lack of…to pull off this project.

otoh, unless for PR sake, restaurants arent typically enamored of food photos unless done very quietly.

To add to the story, Japan has very strict privacy policy on people being photographed/filmed, so this video (despite being very charming) if filmed without getting the restaurant’s and all the filmed people’s consent is a big no-go. While snapping a picture of your food is generally ok, vloggers always have to ask for permission to film on a premise before anything can happen.


I did find the video intriguing and charming in a way. Perhaps it’s my inner voyuer. It was interesting to see the differing reactions, sad to see how many people were focused on their technology rather than their dinner companions.

On the filp side I would not have liked to have been one of the patrons filmed. It was an intrusive to those diners and violated their privacy.

This reminds me of when Google first began photographing the world. Initially they were not blurring tags on automobiles, or so I recall hearing. There was a story of a lawsuit by a person who was divorced due to a Google photo which documented his car being at his mistresses home.


What I find interesting are the folks who take photos in public places without consent could be bothered if the situation were reversed.

interesting topic.

I’m surprised by all of the negative reactions (though I shouldn’t be, lots of people like to complain.) I don’t think there is any reasonable expectation of privacy in a restaurant or other gathering space.

It’s a shame the whiners ruined it for everyone else, as usual.