do I need a mandoline and if so, which brand/model?

from time to time, I’ve thought it would be nice to have a mandoline but probably no more than 2-3 times a year. I promised to make Oklahoma burgers for the kids so it’s one of those times.
when I worked in a restaurant in college, they were used quite a bit but I’ve managed with a sharp knife until now.

wirecutter likes the super benriner

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I’ve had both a benriner and an OXO & decidedly prefer the latter. I’m on my second one now.

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I have an OXO V-slicer that I use only sporadically, but when I use it, I use the hell out of it. Every couple of years, I make a ton of bread and butter pickles, and I like them wavy. I had a crinkle cutter that worked, but cutting 20 lbs of cucumbers with it is a non-starter, so I use the V-slicer. I also sometimes use it to cut potatoes when I get the urge to make my own potato chips. Otherwise, I use a knife.

I would not purchase the OXO V-slicer again if I had the choice. I never really thought about it, but a V-slicer does not produce an evenly thick slice, because at the point (apex?), the gap is somewhat larger than on either side. The super benriner to which you link would be, IMO, a better choice.

I don’t regret having a mandoline. I just wish I had chosen a different one.

I don’t have a mandoline, so I am not the best knowledgeable person here. I feel it is a matter of how often you do this. If you only do it 2-3 times a year, then you probably won’t need it.

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I’ve had a Börner V Slicer for at least 25 years and it’s still going strong. Highly recommend.

Can you share the reason? Is it because more comfortable to use?

I have owned many! Mostly from flea markets and garage sales wherr $5 is my price range. European models that retail for around $50. I have kept them set up on my counter, thinking that that might encourage use…but it seldom did. (I offed them to a friend who has a kitchen store,).
But i have found one that I reach for close to daily. Simple to use, no assembly, rinses clean in seconds. Here

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It has pre-settings for thickness that I find more reliable than the benriner. It may just be my lack of dexterity, but I was never able to get evenly sliced anything from the benriner.

Ah. Got it. I know Oxo is known for designing tools for comfort, so I wasn’t sure if that was the reason.

For occasional use, I’m a fan of the benriner (old version). Makes fast work of many things, and when placed on edge, stores flat against the side of my kitchen-gadget drawer, conserving space. I would suggest putting a sleeve over it (old zip-loc bag?) for storage, 'cuz it is sharp.

(For big jobs, I prefer the Bron.)

I went cheap, because I also only use mine intermittently. I would say that if all you need to do is onions a few times a year, this is fine. That being said, cheap means the blade is getting dull faster than is optimal. When I decide to replace this, as it is now 3 years old, I will probably go with the Kyocera linked above.

Do you need one? Maybe not.
Will you use it once you have it, I think so.

I have the wide oxo “cabbage slicer” (which they don’t call it that anymore it’s the slightly higher priced adjustable slicer now) — love it.

Use it most often for potatoes (tortilla, scalloped), beets, cabbage, carrots, zucchini, plenty more. I could do them with a sharp knife, but this is quick — and fun.

(Owned but never used Benriner and Borner V before this.)

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I have a different OXO model (this one) - the main difference seems to be that this model has three settings, so it’s not fully adjustable. It works for what I need, and my main motivation was to have less to wash than my Cuisinart FP. For $19 it’s worth it.

The main difference is the other one is wider (that’s why it was called a cabbage slicer I think, for slaw). I have the regular size one you linked at my mom’s (heaven forbid the absence of a mandoline :rofl:)

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The name “benriner” has always made me laugh because “benri” means “convenient” in Japanese and yes, it’s a Japanese product. AFAIK, it’s been around forever.

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Cautionary tale: I hung a Kyocera well above head height in the country to keep it out of reach of the children. So husband is up there baching it and wants to slice some cucumber. Decides to use the mandoline.

Oooops. Wraps kitchen towel tightly around severed finger and drives himself 16 miles to the nearest ER. 5 stitches and hefty bill from “out of network” ER doc.

My unspoken question was, "For half a cucumber, why on earth,?


For a second there I thought you were moving towards a beheading tale!


The mandoline I have is a brand called Matfer, made in France. It’s a heavy beast of a thing - stainless steel with multiple blades. Looks like a guilloitine when it’s set up. Way above my pay grade in the kitchen. I think it was a Christmas present from my DH back in the 90’s. I think the only time we have used it is for a recipe we have for fresh bluefish roasted on top of thinly sliced potatoes and involves lots of garlic, olive oil, and parsley. DH has serious carpentry skills and uses a table saw and other tools that can slice off body parts, but both of us are equally intimidated by this mandoline. It sits lonely in its box on our baker’s rack. I should donate it…


Ive probably bought 6 of them over the years. I use them for a week or two, put them in a cabinet l, swear at them not fitting in the cabinet for a year or two, then donate them. Wait a couple of years. Repeat cycle.


If you’re a dork like me, you need one even if you rarely use it.

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