Crown palace dim sum ho down! (Marlboro, NJ)

Mr Bean and The Sprout may attend but neither can commit quite yet. Mr Bean’s decision will depend upon the fishing forecast and for The Sprout it will depend upon how early in the day we’re getting together. I am assuming we’ll be making making reservations? and I’ll have them commit in time to be counted or not.


Awesome. Looking forward to meeting Mrs. NotJR!

Also paging @joonjoon since his comments spurred this entire thing!

@MsBean I’ll make a reservation closer but was thinking maybe we aim to get there when they open at 11/11:30?

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Great. I’ll pass along the info.

Count us in for 2. I agree that getting there when they open is best for dim sum.


Looks like they open at 11:30…

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1130 then! LOL

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Fyi all. Seal is now a working stiff. I rarely go out to eat these days too. I work 6-4:30 or so every day. Sundays are always time and a half so I never do anything on Sunday. I am not a mod here anymore, hell, I’m barely a member.

So you’ll understand why I won’t be with you…



Hope you’re doing something you enjoy!

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We will miss you!

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Ooh fun!! I am tentative on 4 and 11 as I sort of have plans that I may or may not keep, currently free for 18th. Please don’t work it around my schedule but I will try my best to make it!

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Don’t think I can make this one but felt here is probably a good place to ask as I have never had Dim Sum
Is Dim Sum mostly dumplings and buns? What are some of the other items that are served?

We are doing the 18th! Hope you can make it.

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Rearrange your life to come, obviously is the only correct answer. Ha! I like to call it Asian tapas. Small plates. Perfect for a large group so you can order the whole menu. Covers the gamet and delicious. Hope you can make it!


Big fat no for me, DR said no chinese tapas for me .Have fun post pictures

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Yay! That’s actually the best of all the days for me, I know there will be holiday plans coming but I think I should be able to make it, yay!!


So dim sum is a lot of dumplings and buns, but a whole lot more than that. There are things like tripe, chicken feet, braised ribs… it goes on and on. Typically a table will order a number of larger dishes to share, like some kind of greens, noodles, or clams. It’s a really fun experience, if you google for “typical dim sum order” or something to that effect you will see lots of examples. Hope you can make it!


Bumping this up so those who haven’t seen it yet don’t miss out…

We’re having a HODown(R) on Sunday, Dec. 18th at 11:30am at Crown Palace in Marlboro - if you haven’t been to a HODown, trust me when I say that ALL ARE WELCOME.

We don’t bite (much), and I’m betting you’ll be happy you joined us if you choose to do so! All you have to do is RSVP in this thread and let us know how many people will be attending. We split the bill equally and pay in cash so nothing is traceable. Like how many orders of ___ we ate. :rofl:


Bump bump! I’ll call you make a reservation tomorrow or Wednesday.

I think we have:
@MsBean (let me know if your fam can come!)
@NotJrvedivici + 1
@BossaNova + 1
@Patadux (+?)

9 plus a few more possibly! Come join us!


Don’t forget to include yourself!