Cookware and Kitchenware from Big-Box Discount Stores

I do a lot of haunting of places like TJ Maxx and HomeGoods. Where do you shop for discounted stuff? What good finds have you picked up lately?

In my younger years, I scored my first enameled cast iron pans (they were Le C) at TJ Maxx. I was thrilled. I remember showing my mom and her being like, what kind of pan is that and why is it so heavy? They were unknown then. This Christmas, I saw lots of Staub dutch ovens for sale for the first time at my local TJM.

These days I avoid most of the cookware at these places, because it’s no longer seconds of good brands, but seems mostly to be discount-line stuff I don’t need and wouldn’t choose over other brands. But I do buy things like:

  • my preferred brand of dish glove, Casabella
  • LeC bakeware in unusual shapes and colors
  • plastic organizers for the fridge
  • Nordic Ware seasonal bakeware (holiday bundt pans)
  • big glass Masonware food storage jars
  • Spode Christmas dinnerware
  • tablecloths, napkins, other dining linens
  • inexpensive metal steaming racks and strainers
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I’ve seen nothing - allowing for the pandemic - I saw nothing even right before. Maybe 15 years ago, or more, I regularly saw Italian hammered tinned copper in Marshall’s/TJ Maxx, Le Chasseur ECI in Home Goods, and many pieces of All-Clad. As an aside, I got a lot of heavily discounted Staub 20 years ago from a website called SmartBargains, which has been non-functional for many years. I could find Le Creuset and premium bed linens stashed away at Tuesday Morning (they are now out of business - I still regret not availing myself of a Le Creuset goose pot for a pittance). What I see now in stores, and even on line, is nothing I want or need, no treasures or alluring bargains. Organizational/storage stuff - I have so much that I need to organize it😂