Commercial Compound Butters

So, today, on a lark, I bought a stick of Kerrygold “garlic and herb” butter. The herbs were, ah… mature, but it wasn’t bad.

Are there other brands and flavors of compound butters available at retail? And if so, what and were are they?

The Mariano’s (Kroger owned) I go to has several compound butters under their Private Selection brand. I’ve tried two of their varieties, garlic/parmesan/basil and black truffle. Both were good, but seem pretty salty so you have to take that in to account when using them. The also have honey/cinnamon and lemon/herbs butters available which I haven’t tried.

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Wegman’s makes little packets. My verdict is: meh.

We bought the Kerrygold garlic and herb butter once, but it was disappointing and dull, so it has not been a repeat. When I want seasoned butter, I mix it myself. Honey butter for warm cornbread, honey/cinnamon for baked sweet potatoes, garlic/dill/parsely for warm vegetables etc…Butter is a major condiment in our house.


The upscale grocery here has small plastic 1/4 C containers of their compound butters both in the produce department and the meat department.

Are they any good? Store branded? Made in house?

Don’t know (I make my own compounds for the rare times I need them), yes and yes.