Cleavers: types and uses

Do you teach people to spread misinformation? How I teach people Ray is to not make unsubstantiated claim without proof. Amazing, isn’t it? Heard of Null Hypothesis? Maybe you should read upon it, and then try it.

No, it is not. How is CCK a brand under ShiBaZhi if CCK existed decades before ShiBaZhi. ShiBaZhi started in 1983. So what is a 1970’s CCK knife? Please tell me. What kind of crazy foundation is that? This is like you say you may be the father of Abe Lincoln. How is this a claim/question with good foundation? How? I don’t need to know your marketing strategy or do any genetic test or look into your phone record. All I need to know is that Lincoln is born before you. It is not that difficult. A child would know you are not the father of Lincoln, and this child won’t need to do “research” or “detective work” to know this. It is common sense.

This is what it is. : you don’t have any information and you make things up – as simple as that. I was not doing any “detective work” as you did. Even a common person like me knows within seconds that you make ridiculous baseless claim.


It seems there’s a spaceship tethered to my balcony. There might be aliens making lunch in my kitchen. I’ve done my research!! But I’m not going to share the actual details.


I love how the word “research” has been repeatedly dragged across dirty street and now does not mean anything.


Or Sheffield, Thiers, Seki City, etc. Only Chef Panko knows.

Exactly. This is in fact a lot of the shameless behaviors in many Chinese companies practice. This is also the reason why the real CCK need to change their knife logo. Counterfeit companies have already copied CCK look and then registered for copyright. The CCK actually can no longer uses its old design.
Horrible situation for CCK. A decade old, well reputation, mom and pop store to be treated like this.
Shameless is the only thing I can say about this behavior for these counterfeit companies.

For people don’t know this situation, I will use Apple as an example. Apple in 2006 wish to lunch iPad in China. Only then realize the brand iPad has already been registered by two Chinese companies. Apple tried to challenge this and was losing lawsuits after lawsuits. In 2012, Apple was even ban from selling iPad in part of China. In 2014, Apple paid for 60 millions and had to admit fault. … It is really bad… you can look up various brands and companies like Muji, Michael Jordon

CCK - although a well reputation knife shop, is nothing but a mom and pop store. CCK cannot do anything if even Apple, Nike, New Balance… are losing left and right.

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Hi Meekah,

Is that really how you think it works?


Muji? (Different English name, but same Chinese name in China)


No. It is not how Meekah thinks. It is how you think.


Yeah, it used to involve verifiable facts and sources. :woman_shrugging:t3: Now, unreproducible magic, repeated over and over and over. I have taught students the basics of expert testimony and reports. Whatever the rules are of how you get qualified by the particular court, your conclusions have to be supported by detailing the methods and facts you used in support.

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Hi Chem,

Please don’t personalize. You can disagree with the claims without attributions to me personally.

I like it least when you express things this way.

I was following your example.

Hi Meekah,

Then something got lost in the translation.

Ray. Point out which statement I said is “personal”? I really do not know. You did make baseless ridiculous claim. There is nothing personal about this statement. How is this personal?
If you are referring to my comment about your statement about Meekah. It is not personal. Meekah was talking about your thinking process. Thus I said, it is not how Meekah thinks. It is how you think.

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Aliens! Could they be from the system Chorizo? What are their protocols? Do they come in peace and seeking galactic fusion? Ask them to make paella!

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Hi Chem,

I’m out.

Ha ha ha. You made another baseless claim about me being personal. When I asked you which one, you cannot even point to one example?! You have proven my point. You make baseless claims, and then cannot back it up.
Seriously, you made a personal statement about me being personal, and yet you cannot show evidence?

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Busted! And it isn’t even cocktail hour here, so I have no excuse.

They seem to like cheese fused to toast …

Guard your olive loaf!!!

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Okay guys, we have made our point… :slight_smile: Now let’s get back to cooking and cutting, with an awesome CCK… :star_struck:


We definitely made our points. Someone may repeatedly come back to make baseless claims. It is very unfortunately a nice thread has been derailed by these unproductive baseless claims.

Now back to the real topic. For you, Mr. Damiano. Two questions.
First: Of the Chinese style knives. Which one do you like to use the most?
Second: Are you in the process of getting another one?
p.s.: Has Takeda retired? I do not see his knives any more?