Chicago Dinner Sausage?

Bought three links of this recently. It’s what’s for dinner tonight. I have no idea how I should cook it. Meat clerk gave me a shoulder shrug, “Just fry it up. Throw it in a bun.” No help from Google either (although now I know every other sausage that Windy City residents love).

Any guidance or suggestions?

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Who made it?
Does it have a USDA number to identify the packing facility?
I’ve never heard the term either.
Polish or Italian or something else?

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I’ve lived in Chicago for over 25 years and have never heard of anything called a “Chicago dinner sausage”, all I can find on Google is a picture of a Kroger meat counter in Detroit with them on display but no description. It looks like it might just be Chicago style Italian sausage which is usually heavy on fennel and includes more herbs and spices than a traditional sweet Italian sausage. If that’s the case they can just be grilled directly or you can poach them in simmering liquid then brush with oil and crisp up the casings under a broiler. Often served with sauteed onions and green peppers.

Edit: Here’s the picture I found…


@Coogles That’s where I bought them. But again, no guidance from the meat clerk. Your poach then grill is a nice suggestion.

@bbqboy No USDA number, just arranged in bulk at the service meats counter at Kroger.

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End result: I poached the links in white wine and finished them for 15 minutes in the oven at the end of a baking cycle for potatoes already in the oven. The casings browned up nicely. Tasted of Italian Sausage.