Chain Coffee shops - what do you order? Drinks and/or food.

My apologies, Olunia, didn’t realize you were talking about a beverage.

I’ve not heard of an alcoholic Blue Collar Tea.

I’ve had Jägertee in Austria. Very popular at ski resorts.

Some restaurants offer an alcoholic tea called Blueberry Tea, made with Earl Grey.


It’s all good Prima,

I have had Blueberry tea yet prefer a shot a scotch or whiskey instead.

A childhood friend was from Australia and I remember her asking if I wanted to go have “Tea”.

I shot her such a strange look because I was looking to go out for Supper, not realizing that for her Tea meant an evening meal.


It very much depends on which chain. If I do have coffee at a chain then my first choice is Cafe Nero, who still major in coffee. In this case its a flat white with their single origin beans ( currently from Peru) and an apricot Danish.

For Pret a Manger, who I think have too dark a roast and overheat their milk, it’s a filter coffee and a egg and veg roll to eat.

For Costa and Starbucks, it’s a cortado. All the other milk drinks are far too milky. No food I these places.


Sadly these have been gone from NYC for decades now. There was a short renaissance in the early 2000s but that came and went. The shops were a little before my time, but the date nut bread they served was a favorite of older family members.


I remember the sign was still there. Chock Full O’Nuts ground coffee was our coffee at home until they stopped selling it in Canada, maybe in the early 90s.

Looks like a few Chock Full O Nuts Cafés still are in operation


Aren’t you kind. Thank you. The feeling is mutual. By and large what minimal pot stirring goes on here has an underlying note of humor, a very hard thing to convey in a short post!

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Interesting! I didn’t know they licensed the name for this. I see the date nut bread is on one of the menus… wonder if it’s the same as my great aunts used to enjoy.


I rarely visit mass chains for coffee, but I usually go for a latte. The only drink I would go out of my way to get at Starbucks was the holiday gingerbread latte. They killed that about 2 years ago though, so I’m back to never having a reason to visit Starbucks unless I’m on the road.

If Dunkin’s is the only other coffee place around, I get their dark roast.

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