Can You Spot Ultraprocessed Foods? Play Our Supermarket Game.

This was really fun. I did much better than I thought I would — 8 outta 10, even though I don’t buy ANY of these products, save for yogurt (a question I aced, natch).


Isnt there only 8 questions?

Of which I got 5 right - which I’m quite impressed with as I don’t know any of those products but made “educated guesses”


This is a good educational tool. I got 7/8. Don’t buy or eat yogurt so that was the fail.

BTW, I just posted a New Yorker article in another thread. Since UPF will be an on-going thread, combining might make sense.


I suck at math and I can’t count! I guess that makes it 6 out of 8.


None of my choices were ultraprocessed, so 8/8. The yogurt was easy-peasy, but the cereal one was as well.


Yeah, so I don’t ‘do’ cereal, which is why I messed that one up, and I was mislead by marketing in the case of the ice creams (I also buy none of these brands, generally).

And I just now noticed you can look at the ingredient list before making a choice? HA! That sure would’ve made this an 8/8 for me, too :crazy_face:


I only missed the cereal, which I also don’t consume.
Being a kidney patient gives an unfair advantage. I’ve learned to read labels religiously.

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7/8. Only got the last one wrong. Fun!!


Ugh. The UPF obsession is tedious and misguided. The definitions are questionable and not de facto linked to health. The vilification of these foods (with so little care as to what is meant) contributes to ignorance regarding nutrition and feeds many of the classist assumptions around food.

Sorry, I’m a fan of Jessica Wilson and find her reflections on health, nutrition, race, class, and size and to be far more productive than gamifying and elitism.

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I missed the cereal…because I really would choose thr granola over the shredded wheat…although Ill avoid that brand because soy protein isolate triggers my dairy protein sensitivity.

Wouldn’t buy the yogurt (and fully aware that plant based yogurt is a UPF…BUT NECESSSARY)…

…and chose non dairy ice cream. Knowingly.

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Here I thought choosing good old-fashioned bran cereal was gonna be ok :smiley:


8/8 - I guess as a chemist you have always read labels

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I read labels…but the question is which one do you choose?

I choose the one that won’t make me sick and feel like hell for the next three days.

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That one where the chemistry makes most sense

Same, 7/8.
The one I missed was something I have bought. Most of the products mentioned in the quiz aren’t sold in Canada. The product I got wrong isn’t too healthy nutrition-wise, because of its saturated fat and sugar, but I guess it is healthy-ish in terms of not being ultra processed.

My bigger concerns for my own health are portion size, saturated fat, and sugar, not lecithin and guar gum.

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The only 2 categories in the quiz I ever buy are ice cream and yogurt, but I make both myself as well and try to default to homemade. Been a while since I made yogurt … I think I’ll start that up again.


I just gave my yogurt maker to a friend.

I haven’t used a dedicated machine, just a big ol’ jar.

No reason to apologize, and I’m sure her work is enlightening. That said, discussing these issues here at length would violate community guidelines :woman_shrugging:t2:

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