Boston, MA. January 2018. Openings + Closings!

new dong khanh on harrison ave in chinatown is closed for renovations

I noticed that Mamadou’s Bakery is now open in Arlington Center right on Mass Ave (across the street from the main library). Also, in that same general area, Subway looks closed.


I’m psyched that Mamdou’s is open. I tried to go the other day and it wasn’t open yet. I’ll head there soon!

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Please call ahead…I was not on foot but driving by and it looked open for business with all the lights on.

Fairstead Kitchen in Brookine has closed and reopened as Grassona’s Italian. Will have to try it out!

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Well, there were no lights on (except the window decorations) so that’s a good sign! But it looks like the Winchester location closes at 3, which means I’ll have to wait until the weekend if Arlington also closes that early.

oppa’s kitchen and bar on pleasant street in malden has closed

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Xi’an Street Food on 182 Brighton Ave in Allston looks to be close to opening; the lights and signage are on when I passed by last week, but the windows are still papered over. Looks to be a Chinese meat burger (Rou Jia Mo) focused place, and the pictures are showing crunchy swirly buns that I really enjoyed in China. The burgers from the noodle places around town all have disappointing soft/chewy bread, so I’m hoping for a change with this place.


It turns out that the Winchester location is also closed on Mondays and Tuesdays, so Arlington probably is as well.

xi’an street foods on brighton ave in allston is now open


Early reports sound good!

Apparently they are serving their signature “Chinese burgers” for free at noon and 6pm daily this weekend.


Went there and got a free pork burger (when you share their store info on Wechat) tonight and some biang noodle. Can confirm that this is the best Chinese burger I had in Boston; bun is crispy and pairs well with the fatty pork. They were out of half of the menu items tonight. Would probably wait to revisit in another week or two when the rush is over and their credit card machine is working.


I’m on a bus to brunch in Davis Sq and I just saw a For Rent sign in the window of La Posada. I just let out an audible gasp. Google-zilla comes up with this. I’ve been buried under work since xmas. What gives?!

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Oh, I know. That’s sooooo sad. We had just had dinner there a couple of weeks before they closed.

Bistro Duet in Arlington has closed

not an immediate closing, but as the lot at 2072 Massachusetts Ave in Cambridge is
being sold for development, I imaging that days are numbered there for Darul Kabab.

That is too bad. Friends and I enjoyed it when we went. Sorry to see a good local spot close.

That’s a cause for sadness for me. Their food was mostly terrible, but I had a great experience there the morning of the cricket world cup final in 2011. The restaurant slowly filled from the early morning onward. Chai, samosas and other snacks appeared at random, as we watched the video feed. (I’m sure you all remember – p_thru & GretchenS, I’m lookin’ at you as my gods – it was Ind v SL.) At the end, some randomly low bill was presented to each table.


Tilted Kilt on Brookline Ave has closed after less than a year. Hooters couldn’t survive near the Garden and now this. I guess Boston is not “brestaurant” country even if hey are located by sporting venues.

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Oh, so sad. “Cough”. The concept was so silly and so much more.