Barbecue 2023

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I saw that lady on a video on youtube. I can’t remember the producer - maybe Eater?

I think she has younger men help her out now with most of the heavy chores.

Shake my head at a lot of these “Top 50 (anything)” lists. Usually a bunch of hearsay.

I’ve been to several in this list and they were mostly okay but nothing to write home to momma about (or nothing to write a top 50 list about). I do think Goldee’s belongs on the list but is it really top 5? But Longoria’s is only 10 minutes away and was definitely decent, and isn’t going to have a huge line. (have not been to either of them in 4 years, though.)

That one in Jackson, GA (Fresh Air) I saw on someone else’s “Top X” list a few years ago and so the family and I detoured to it on a trip to FL. Blech. The pulled pork was shredded down to individual fibrils, almost a paste, and I can make a better Brunswick stew drunk and with both hands tied behind my back.

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Hey did you guys watch the youtube video about Texas #1? It’s gotten like 9.5 million views (link below).

I think it’s a bunch of guys that used to work at Franklin’s BBQ and they decided to start their own place.

Franklin gets his meat from Creekstone Farm - so I wonder if they get it from the same place? It might be the meat quality that makes a huge difference for taste.

The video…it has the main cook for brisket ending with an implicit threat: like she wants part ownership or else she will quit and start her own place and compete with the founders.

Pretty interesting.

Day In The Life of The #1 BBQ In Texas - YouTube


Thanks for posting this article. I had never given it much thought until now, but it is spot on. White guys have taken over the BBQ cook offs with their $100K pickups pulling a $100K silver refrigerated trailer for supplies and a $50K smoker/grill to boot. Bunch of show offs. I’ll take a poorer black man’s better bbq over theirs any day of the week.


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(post deleted by author)

wow. this rig must cost like a $100k or something. It might be worth it if it’s for a catering business you own.

There are a lot of great places on that (Southern Living) list. Id quarrel with he order and grouse about a couple of omissions, but it’s a good list

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Just an FYI. I was surprised to see that my local Walmart has started carrying Blues Hog sauces. I don’t know how wide the availability is, but I thought I’d mention it.


I actually went to a highly rated barbecue place in Paris, The Beast. Pretty bad. The one genuinely good BBQ places in Europe is Pendergast in Amsterdam.

I’m trying to pen my menu for Monday’s meal. There will be BBQ of some kind.