Avoiding milk burn, any tips?

Does anybody has good tips how to cook with milk without the worry of a burned or scorched pot on a stove for 30-40 minutes? Any tips also for meat recipe that requires milk reduction cooking in oven around 3-4 hours?

In both cases, the pot is always a nightmare to wash. Thanks.

use low to moderate heat, leave a long handled spoon in the pot

Alternatively, use a milk watcher
to clean pot, add 1/4 cup of baking soda, add water , add white vinegar, bring it to a boil, simmer then cool down, repeat the process.
Hope this helps

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There are “electric stirrers” on Amazon…

My husband described this lab stir bar to me years ago and wondered why it had not been recreated for home kitchens. I think it would be a helpful invention.

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I wish I had a fool proof trick, I don’t. I use diffusers/etc to try to regulate the heat and it usually stops the burn . . . . . . but the clean up is always a nightmare. So I’m following the thread for any tips from others.

It is the ONLY time I wish I had a non-stick stock pot (I don’t have one, though I have every other type of pan so I don’t know why I don’t try it). Anyone do this in non-stick with no clean up headaches?

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I think it inevitable so use a non-stick pot for easier cleanup. I made ricotta this morning and used a Teflon pan. Cleanup was easy.

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I cook indian desserts which require slowly reducing the milk. I always do it in a nonstick pot. After the dessert is done, I just soak the pot overnight with hot water and a few drops of dish soap, and the residue comes off easily in the morning.

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Doesn’t anyone use double boilers anymore? I must be getting old :wink:


Can’t help with the burn thing, except heating the milk slowly and paying attention. The dreck left behind from heating milk is one of life’s least pleasurable things to clean. An Indian chef convinced me to try bringing the milk to room temperature before heating, and it was better. Substantially better.

I am making yogurt in an Instant Pot these days, and for whatever reason, cleaning that pot is a breeze.

Meat with a milk reduction– Pork Loin braised in Milk or ARISTA TOSCANA. I have done Mario Batali’s version (not sure it was this one exactly since I was cooking from “My Two Villages”) and it was quite good.

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You are right, continous stirring works with a gentle fire should prevent the worse.

@zackly @boogiebaby
A non stick pan helps, but I don’t have a bigger non stick pot, large quantity is out of question.

Read about double boilers, glad to know this tip.

Thanks for the recipe, I will want to try.

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I read in a French forum that suggests immensing the pot in cold water, and leave in the pot a tablespoon of water. Pour the milk without stirring.

The logic is the cold water forms a film that prevent the milk to attach to the pot.

Haven’t tried this, but people in the forum that tried were happy with the solution.

I also read some advice saying that rubbing garlic to the interior of a pot prevents the milk from attaching to the pot. I have tried once, it seems it was a little bit easier to clean if the cooking wasn’t long. But with hours of milk reduction in an oven, crust formed mostly on the side, and it wasn’t that helpful.