August 2023 COTM - Voting

We have three books up for the vote for August. Our top nominees were THOMAS KELLER MONTH, TENDERHEART, and CHEERS TO THE PUBLICAN.

To vote, click on the knife and fork icon on the lower right of the post below corresponding to your preferred book. You may only vote for one selection. Please vote with the intention of cooking along and reporting your results should your preferred book be chosen. If you wish to change your vote, you may click again on the knife and fork icon to “unlike” the post, then make a new selection. If too much time has passed for that, make a not of your vote change in ALL CAPS in the comments.

Voting will close at 5pm EDT on July 26.

To vote for THOMAS KELLER MONTH, please click the knife and fork icon to the lower right of this comment.


To vote for TENDERHEART, by Hetty Lui McKinnon, please click the knife and fork icon to the lower right of this comment.


To vote for CHEERS TO THE PUBLICAN, by Paul Kahan, click the knife and fork icon at the lower right of this comment.

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Reminder: Voting closes today at 5pm!

Voting is closed. Our August COTM will be THOMAS KELLER MONTH.


I was just looking for his recipes online and found this from him and wanted to share it here:


For those whose public libraries offer access to Hoopla, the on-demand digital media app, it has (I think)! all of Thomas Keller’s books: The French Laundry Cookbook; The French Laundry, Per Se; Bouchon; Bouchon Bakery; Ad Hoc at Home; Under Pressure.


The August reporting thread is here: