At home dinner service. Bread.

When serving dinner or supper at home, how often do you include bread or rolls as a go-with?

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It depends what I’m serving . . . . but fairly often, typically a baguette but sometimes rolls.


Early on, we were feeding five kids. Sliced bread or rolls were included with a dinner meal to “extend” the main course. When we became nearly an empty nest family, we got away from that.

Now here, in late life, I’ve become re-attached to including bread with dinner.

How say you?

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Big bread eating family. Bread with nearly every meal in one form or another. I bake bread, buy bread, even been known to borrow bread…never met a bread I didn’t like…just have my favorites.

I could easily say, bread IS the meal. I could live on bread but I don’t…



Great post! (probably because I’m believing the same. :grin: )

Thank you for your reply, Thimes.

If it’s sketti, sawce, and a salad - I try and remember to have a crusty roll slathered with buttah alongside. Otherwise, usually never.


Never. Unless I’m having a sandwich. I eat a lot of rice and pasta and potatoes, and I usually have cheese and crackers a couple of hours after dinner. So bread with the meal would be overkill (for me).


Never. Bread items rarely make an appearance here since it doesn’t agree with me and when it does it’s part of the main- never a side.

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And, it goes without saying…but I will…that bread has to be warmed, toasted, grilled, heated in some way. I really dislike cold, room temp or blah chew.


Unless the meals are Asian or cuisines that do not include bread. If not, bread is necessary in all meals here for a French. Sauce, cheese, pâté need bread, said Mr. n.

We freeze lots of baguettes or sometimes some sourdoughs in the freezer. Never sandwich bread though.


Hot Carbs =my comfort food


Not often myself, but since I’m a household of one loaves end up with half frozen and i just lack an efficient way of reheating it well (ie toaster oven). And i crave crunchy salty stuff so I’m more into pretzels/chips/crackers for carby stuff

My dad is and always has been a serious Bread Person, so growing up there was almost always bread or rolls with dinner. His office was about a block from a great bakery.

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Big bread eater here but never with dinner unless it’s the main carb.

Was surprised to learn in Morocco bread is served with every meal, alongside other carbs. And in Peru and Bolivia rice and potatoes or chips (“fries”) are on the same plate. I think that’s because they do a lot of manual work and so a lot of carbs are needed for energy. Read in a cookery book about Nikkei cuisine which explained how rice with potatoes in some south American countries came about. Turned out it’s the Japanese migrants who came up with that idea.

Bread has an extremely important roll in German cuisine, one of the terms for dinner is “Abendbrot” (literally “night bread”).


Yeah!..what about those garlic knots? …I know they are not bread, they are garlic knots!, but Don Filippo’s are delish!!!


Bread is on the table about 3 nights a week, along with the requisite EVOO, a dash of salt and red pepper flakes. No type in particular, they could be soft egg type rolls, pretzel rolls, sliced rye bread, country style Italian bread, etc.
When the kids come over for diner, since we are empty nesters, we put it on the table, as it is consumed in about 10 seconds. On one occasion as the youngest asked(after he told us he was on a low carb, high protein diet) “What no bread?”


Wow, do I love bread in all its glorious forms. Unfortunately we have to limit consumption because the carbs aren’t kind to our waistlines.

So the only bread that we eat with any regularity is whole-wheat pita that we buy from a local Lebanese bakery. Best the day it’s made but freezes really well. We eat that when bread is a main part of the meal.

On holidays or when we treat ourselves to a cheese plate, we indulge in a crusty sourdough baguette.

All this said, I just found a Portuguese bakery not far away. Something they call Portuguese cornbread is crying out for investigation.


Luckily, waistline isn’t a big problem yet, but need to be careful and exercises more…
I need carbs to feel fulfilled with a meal.


Well to start I don’t serve supper! (joke) Like a few others have mentioned, it depends on what I’m serving. As a norm, no I do not serve bread but if I make a pot of Sunday gravy a good loaf of Italian bread is mandatory.


Do flour tortillas count?