Are you afraid of eating chicken feet?

Forget the feet.

I’m afraid of stepping in chicken poop. Has anybody done this? There is nothing nastier.

My Aunt and Uncle had lots of chickens running around the large yard and sooner or later a misstep would occur.

They were “free range” before it was all the rage. Nothing finer than fresh fried chicken.

The feet were not eaten.

Is it really worse than stepping in other types of poop?

I’d imagine in the totem pole of nastiness, “stepping in chicken poop” doesn’t rank higher or lower than in any other types of poop.

But then, I’m not about to go and test that theory myself tho.

Chicken poop is the worst. Spoiler alert, the following is gross. There’s a white crust when broken with green ooze inside and the smell is unbearable.

I’ve shot many a cow pie on slow hunting days and they don’t compare.

I can’t vouch for what it’s like to step in the chicken variety, but I can assure you that different kinds are truly different. Any kind in very large amounts can be overwhelming, but some are certainly worse than others. The smell from a lot of chickens is pretty strong.

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Vegetarian poop is much less gross. Vegetarian animals that is. I don’t find horse or cow pies a problem, and welcome them in my compost, but cat poop hidden in with the potatoes in the garden makes me retch.

Wait… what were we talking about?

Look out ahead … “poop” thread drift.


I’ve convinced several non Asian or non Chinese friends to try chicken feet at dim sum. Most are pleasantly surprised at the flavor, even if they didn’t love the dish. Most who do not like it dislike the texture and the common complaint is that there really is no meat. Perhaps they’re being kind to me, but it’s usually not a “I can’t put a chicken for in my mouth.”. I’m sure they still exist, but they’re not in my circle. :sweat_smile: