Anyone know the facts about Aeroccino 4 availability?

We placed an order for a Nespresso Aeroccino 4 milk frother back in January. Since then…… crickets. My wife works at Bloomingdales so we ordered it there. We’ve been unable to get any info at all about what’s really going on or if the item will ever be back in stock. The only answer, from the Nespresso department, was it uses microchips that are unavailable. That’s been news for a year but can it be that simple and for so long?

We often check online (Amazon, Best Buy, BB&B, etc.) but all are out of stock. I even emailed the manufacturer but got only a generic ‘out of stock’ response. We bought a battery operated frother a few months ago and just had to replace it. :roll_eyes:

I just thought I’d throw this out there to see if anyone has access to any real info about this.