Any fish head fans here? Prep and recipes

Wasn’t sure if I should put this in cookware or cooking so I’ll ask about both. I love fish heads (not just the collar, but all the gelatinous goodness!). My mom grew up steaming fish heads for us when we were young, and I still love the texture and taste of most fish heads. I’ve only recently begun making fish heads for myself at home, but I find myself stymied if the fish head isn’t fully prepped for me by the fishmonger.

Any fish head fans? Do you have experience with prepping and cutting/splitting your own fish heads? What are your recommended tools? And what are your favorite preparations?

My favorite is my mom’s classic steamed with black bean-garlic sauce (for neutral white fish) and then broiled for the fish like salmon. If I had an outdoor or little table-top grill, I’d probably love grilling them too.

I use them when making fish stock along with the fish frames . Don’t forget to remove the gills when making stock .