Any Cookware You Leave on the 'Top?

Here are mine:

Wagner’s almost 12" CI skillet and Lodge 12" carbon steel. I recently made the switch from non-stick pans and keeping these out is key to that end.


Mine are hidden in the back of the fridge. From me…

I do have Cento tomatoes, albeit in a non camouflage mode

ETA is it an empty can to place over the cherries?

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Wow. Nice stove!


I am, admittedly, a bit OCD.


I’ll usually have my 24 cm copper saute pan on my stovetop, sitting there all dirty and all. Two reasons. One, I use it very often. And two, it’s not dishwasher safe! :wink:

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Looks like you have ample storage space as well.

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The top was removed with a can opener that cuts cleanly. You can drop the top on the can, and it just looks like an unopened can.

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What a terrific kitchen. Looks like a cooking school before the students enter.



My countertops are my storage space. At least since the pandemic.


Where did you get the Wagner?

Thanks - it’s actually just a Samsung!

I found it in the basement give-away area of my old apartment! I gave away a smaller family CI skillet to make room.

ETA: goodness, I didn’t realize Wagner was expensive! Checked eBay.

Wow! I’m jelly. How do you live like that?!

My wife asks me the same thing.


That was taken before anyone moved in, yes?

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No gas here, so I’m eternally jelly of those who have it.

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The iPad is for the cats?

This morning, after breakfast.

Me too. Not a lodge but an “8” is all on there. Just looks right. It’s my workhorse.

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