Reports of toxic chemicals leaching from black plastic spatulas etc. are everywhere recently. Silicone doesn’t get much love and comes with questions as well. The alternatives being suggested are mainly wood. Any other suggestions that work to avoid scratching pans, and are safe?
My understanding is that plastics of other colors are unlikely to have the bromelated retardants in them.
Still, plastic is likely made from petrochemicals, so why? If you must buy plastic utensils, I suggest buying from European makers/lines (e.g., Matfer’s Exoglass) subject to EC regulations.
For my wares that can take it, I like steel. For those that can’t, I happily use wood and bamboo. If you’re looking for a quality maker, France’s Berard is very good and not overthick.
Great fish spatula
I like wood tools and both bamboo and birch whisks. Those inexpensive beech spatulas can be easily sharpened to make them more like conventional spatulas. I find that my risotto spoon is one of my most handy tools. It has a straight edge on the bottom.
I have only one non-stick pan that kept me using non-scratch utensils like the black plastic ones – for everything else (steel, carbon steel) I use stainless steel or wood utensils.
I bought an olive wood spatula at TJs recently for the non-stick pan – check the edges so they’re rounded off, some were sharp enough to scratch.
Here are some of the wood & nonstick-friendly spatulas and things I like (buy via the Hungry Onion Amazon link to help out the site) – can’t find the thin, gray Ikea one that I use the most because it has the fish turner angle.
Wok spatula
Turner / skinny spatula
I have a wooden cooking spoon I use almost exclusively. Don’t even know why I have or bought others. If it’s in the dishwasher and I need it, I take it out.
But I’ll have to bite the bullet and find a proper spatula now for when a spoon doesn’t suffice.
Thermoworks just introduced a silicone ladle and turner for anyone who’s interested.
I have several of these GIR utensils. like the ladles, especially the small one. And I like spoonulas. I am a sucker for wooden spoons, too, because my mom and grandmother used them. And wooden bowls. But I digress.
But I do love my Matfer exoglass fish spatula.
I learned again from you. Thanks.
Is the turner thin and stiff enough at the edge to satisfy you?
Linking to a related topic:
I honestly don’t use the GIR turner that much. I still use the Matfer, whose edge is thin enough and strong enough for what I usually do.
I love the smaller GIR pieces.
Well I musta been fuckin’ high when I wrote that. My wooden cooking spoon NEVER goes into the dishwasher, of course.
I musta meant the sink
Thanks for these recs - timely, as I’m in the process of gettting rid of my old plastics and adding replacements to my Xmas wish lists!
@biondanonima is there a way to maybe consolidate the various health-related cookware threads?
We seem to have quite a few dealing with the same topic. Might declutter the site a bit?
I just came across the GIR stuff, apparently medical grade. Awesome.
I live within walking distance to Cost Plus, so I bought a set of these. I figured just get something now to replace the black plastic. Instead of paying $15 for 1 olive wood turner, I’d get 4 and then test them. I might upgrade but I think i’m good. I use carbon steel and cast iron, own one ceramic pan, so I have a bunch of metal utensils and a few silicon.
I gave the little pieces as stocking stuffers a couple of years ago.
Our purge has commenced. Here’s what I’ve got/ordered so far:
-5-piece GIR set with turner, large spoon, ladle, and two spatulas. I nearly bought some knockoffs on Amazon, until I read that some of the GIR have a sturdy core and the silicone is pharmaceutical-grade.
-12" Norpro bamboo tongs
-OXO stainless steel potato masher
-stainless steel commercial kitchen utensils from our local restaurant supply: 8oz ladle, large and small tongs, large slotted and regular spoons. All $3 or less. They’re…rustic.
Still need a spaghetti spoon/fork - probably going to get GIR’s since it won’t scratch and can get into corners/pot nooks.
Currently sold out.
Michael’s has good prices on GIR, btw.
Just be aware that GIR is temp-rated to 425F. In contrast, Thermoworks is supposedly good to 600F.
Noted, thanks!
I’m not sure I need that much heat resistance for stovetop cooking. Here’s a link to their utensils, for those interested: