Alley 41 [Flushing, Queens NY]

On our last trip to Flushing, we stayed across the street from this joint and did not go there. We instead went to You Shangai for a terrible meal. We should have come here!

Twice cooked pork was wonderful. The pork was funky and perfectly balanced between chewy and tender from the first cooking. And what was really good was how balanced the sauce components were. They used Sichuan soybean paste, black bean paste and hot oil, but you could not make out the individual components. Another deft touch was their use of 2 styles of garlic: chopped raw and big hunks of blanched cloves.

Next was string bean and minced pork. Perfectly cook beans, well fried til soft but still toothy like al dente pasta.

These two were so good that we had to order a third dish, Ma Po Tofu. Again, harmony was the star. We ordered not spicy and yet the dish had a nice kick of Sichuan peppercorn.

We have a fabulous Sichuan spot in Towson, Red Pepper Bistro. This is easily on par. In fact these two spots remind me of Brandy Ho’s in SF from 30+ years ago.

On our next trip up, we should try to do a group dinner. They have a private room and we can pre-order live seafood for some special dishes.

$46 after a cash discount, which seemed a real bargain.


three of our favorite dishes dean, we often order them and the cumin lamb at szechuan garden at 104th and broadway. sadly, they won’t use pork any more in the string bean dish due to complaints from vegetarians finding pork in a dish called “sauteed string beans with pork bits”. I tried to convince the owner that pork was actually a vegetable, not sure he realized I was kidding :grinning:

We were so happy when sg reopened. However, they are wildly inconsistent. I so miss Spicy & Tasty in Flushing. Their cold table dishes were amazing…

(post deleted by author)

On our walk thru Flushing, I mournfully looked over at where Spicy and Tasty once stood. Same when we passed the old site for Little Pepper (I haven’t trekked up to their current site nearly enough). And, it was hard eating outside of White Bear, next door to what was once Fu Run/Fu Ran. Damn, I’m sounding more like my mother every day.


some operator issues, i accidentally deleted my post. we havent been since we moved uws to ues but did notice some inconsistency before we moved. sad to hear, it was one of our favs.

I know Manhattanites who refuse to go above 14th or Houston. Some make exceptions for Broadway, but only sneeringly.

I have gone from a manhattan addict to a flushing/queens honorary-ite who sneeringly comes to manhattan for Broadway shows. Although how one could sneer after Music Man and Company I do not know so I grinned all the way back to dinner in Corona Plaza.

I like the beans.

Get off my LAWN!

dean, after I retired I suggested to my wife we move to queens, live on one of the streets off of roosevelt ave and eat our way from one end of the avenue to the other, stopping every year to publish a book called Eating the El 2022, Eating the El 2023, and so on.

Seemed like fun and a series of can’t miss guides. Predictably, her response was “let me know how that works out for you” :joy:



I would have subscribed to the series!

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I think this would be a lifetime project. My mind boggles at how many places there are. We went to a window last night. 2 businesses shared the window to the street, one with fried skewers and the other with deconstructed duck. Then you could go inside and there is a self serve mala tang spot.


Here’s a link:
The top article is a year old (the others are much older) but I’m linking it because both Jeff & Jim are well known food guides/promoters for Queens & very reputable sources for finding places to eat.
And a general link to Joe’s website:
And, although its no longer being published (Jared moved to LA), has also been a good reference guide for many years.

yes, but a life well-lived! My thought was by the time one eats their way to the end of Roosevelt, there would be a great number of new places to try, a perpetual feast. :yum:

It felt to me that places are opening daily! Mind boggling.

we visited alley 41 last week, I would have been most happy to followed dean’s lead and order the mapo, pork and string beans but my wife was feeling adventurous and we ended up with the string beans, which were delicious, and the sizzling beef with cumin, medium spicy. Turns out medium spicy was the upper limit of what I can tolerate and it was too spicy for my wife but she did pronounce the dish well-made.

Next visit we’ll aske them to dumb down the spice level and see where that takes us…

We are coming back to New York for Merrily between xmas and new years. I would love to arrange a group, even if we just order off the menu.

Well, that plan will be reimagined.

Finally made it to Alley 41 – thought it was very good, if en fuego.

Unlike @vinouspleasure, no one asked us how spicy we wanted anything, and it came out SPICY.

I did ok, friend (who refused my every suggestion to pick a milder second dish) did not do quite as well, but the sweet “grape” soju that tasted like pear juice was used to quell the heat.

We both really liked the fish with cumin, which was dry pot style with a bunch if tasty additions (lotus root, black fungus, bamboo shoot tips, potato).

The beef in chef’s spicy sauce was less of a favorite, just mouth-on-fire spicy (with some peanuts thrown in).

The table of 3 ladies next to us had enough food for 6 or 7, which made me feel a lot better about the amount of food we normally order and consume at these places :sweat_smile:. I really wanted the steamed whole fish they were eating (topped with some spicy sauce, and noodles next to it on the platter) but companion wasn’t feeling it.

The owner was sitting at the table next to us on the other side with a couple of friends, they had the same soupy hot pot as the ladies, another type of whole fish, and a virtuous bowl of shanghai bok choy that no one was actually eating :rofl:

Place was 80% full on a weekday, and it’s not cheap, so I hope it bodes well for their longevity.


Weak! Or maybe smart! I recall our dish was very spicy and we asked for medium.