Maitake are probably my favorite mushrooms.
Looks great!
If you get more, I was obsessed with this dish for a long while.
Maitake are probably my favorite mushrooms.
Looks great!
If you get more, I was obsessed with this dish for a long while.
Looking up cloumage… .
You can substitute it
“In recipes, use this tangy cheese in place of sour cream, yogurt, crème fraîche, buttermilk or mascarpone.”
Perfect; I am thinking one of the cremas would work.
It’s the texture of Boursin, slightly creamier.
I absolutely adore maitake, tho choosing a favorite shroom would be like choosing a favorite child.
I’ve been getting small amounts of the more rare mushrooms, for omelets mostly. Chanterelles have mostly left the market for now, and morels swept in and out quickly this year. Most recently, oyster (not king) mushrooms.
The batch I got last week had deep flavor and was tender after sauteeing. Today’s was probably overcooked, a little too chewy.
Sometimes a sign of age of the mushroom.
That’s so interesting! Chanterelle season in Germany doesn’t begin until late May / early June (which is when I happen to be there, and I’m prettttty excited about that ).
King and regular oyster mushrooms I can get here year round, pretty much.
The oysters were about the same price as shiitakes here. Which reminds me, why did the price of shiitakes rise recently? They used to be about the same price as criminies, $4/lb, and now they’re $10.
I have no idea. I get my KOS and shiitake at the Asian grocer where they not only are cheap, but better quality than Wegmans. The shiitake in particular are super-soft & fresh & aromatic.
Here in N. California Chanterelles Season starts in the late Fall through Winter. Sometimes you find them popping in other Seasons as well, especially where there is a lot of Fog.
I have had the best luck finding them in January.
We have had some great meals of Spargel und Pfifferling Meals in Germany in the Spring. (not to mention Rhubarb, Spinach, Strawberries, Herbs etc…)
Enjoy Spargelzeit!
Oyster mushrooms from the same batch were fine last night, sauteed in EVOO but not overcooked.
Ima spargel to the max, bet!
Thank you!
Is that the water you are referring to here?
bottom line: water&mushrooms is a seriously excellent technique to a superb ‘end product’
I don’t forage mushrooms but I found this while looking for seasons. No mention of seasons! How much does it matter when they are cultivated mushrooms?
add a bit of water - yes. I find it really helps vs a oil/butter only frying.
I don’t forage for mushrooms. no training, not willing to do a “ah-nuts-killed-myself”
cultivated mushrooms happen in a total artificially controlled environment - the poor spores don’t know if it’s Spring or Summer…
some folks do cultivate specialty mushrooms “at home i.e. DIY” and unless they build an environmental controlled chamber (mega-$$) they must observe the ambient temps/humidity of their (for example) basement for successful sprouting/cultivation.
Tried that last night and really enjoyed it. I thought it was looking to get, but it worked; especially the balsamic vinegar.
glad it works for you!
This is what I made for lunch today:
One MASSIVE KO shroom sautéed in Vermont butter, seasoned with s&p, covered the pan and steamed the slices in their own juices, uncovered for a proper sear, and added a splash of soy sauce for umami. Sprinkle of parsley so it’s all purtty-like. So meaty!
They say there are old mushrooms hunters, and bold mushroom hunters, but no old and bold mushroom hunters…