2018 Cooking Goals and Resolutions

I’ve ben thinking about this since the post went up. I guess my goal/wish is to get my cooking mojo back. The last several years have been taxing on many levels leaving me with little energy. When I have the reserves to shop the energy flags for the cooking. I end up dialing it in and the results reflect that. I was always a curious, adventuresome, thoughtful cook who loved experimentation. I was a recipe developer and sometimes caterer. Couldn’t tell it most days now…

I want to be able to have the energy to prepare a dish with care and intent. I want to be able to savor a dish of this sort from my efforts again.


I’m sorry to hear this and can certainly relate at times.

Certainly a good goal!


I jus got this! I love how it is focused on technique and history, rather than recipes. I’m enjoying it very much,

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So glad you are enjoying “The Art of Fermentation.” It just might be the definitive work (in English, anyway). Engaging, too.