Beans, beans, beans....

Aromat is a German (Edit: SWISS!) (Edit again: Knorr was German before moving to Switzerland in 1907) seasoning salt. I think it’s similar to Herbamare.

It’s like adding some MSG or Season-All, but it’s more herbal than a spiced salt like Lawry’s. I’ve never used Spike, so can’t compare.


That’s funny - make it “pop”. I’ve lived in New England for so long now, it’s “soda” to me. I spent much of my childhood and young adulthood in Michigan and Ohio. Vernors ginger ale was always in our house - to settle our stomachs when we were sick, as a treat to drink cold in the summer, and it makes a terrific float with vanilla ice cream. It’s not available in New England. It’s so spicy, it can make you sneeze when you drink it from a cup. I’m saving this baked bean recipe to share with my family the next time I go back to Ohio. I might have to omit the green pepper because of certain people…


I’m tempted to make it, too!

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Garbanzo beans infiltrating my FB feed


Not sure if I posted husband’s favorite yet.

The “spinners” are flour dumplings.


Looks good!

Flageolet…French for “fart?”

JK, I know it’s an instrument.

I’ve never eaten those. Look pretty cool.

Hey, thanks for cross-posting, otherwise I’d have continued to overlook this thread!

Here’s another one that I set about trying to copy what my son and I had in a Haitian restaurant in Boca Raton. This is from the channel Luna’s Kitchen, and it’s pretty close to what we were served and everyone really likes it. I have to fudge a bit because I start from canned beans, and after several times making it, I now increase the amount of beans by about 2x just because we like it better that way.

I also used her recipes for epis and goat stew as starting points.


Woah, this is such a great resource. Thanks @shrinkrap for starting and thanks @Phoenikia for pointing it out.

I’m going to have some new stuff for the family in the next few weeks!


I think the variables to worry about are: the beans themselves. If they’re older, they may not fully plump. The soak. I soak several times the day prior, wake up in the AM, and drain and soak again. By now, the beans should appear as they do off the plant: plumped up. (Lately, I’ve been making great northerns.) Black beans will take another bit of love. Beans love pork fat. I’m sure you’re aware that a ham hock or ham bone, or whatever porky product, will give those beans that much more love. I boil , covered, on medium, for about 2 hours for pintos (great northerns, a little less, maybe 1.5 hours). I like water about 1.5-2 inches above the beans before I lid and boil. Onions, garlic ( I also add a pepper sauce I make at home), whatever other flavors you like.

Had good luck with this as much of my meals are Latin-centric. Can’t tell you how many meals I’ve had of just beans and flavored rice.

I’ve also used a pressure cooker over a rocket stove in the past.

Avoid adding any acid until cooked.

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My pleasure. This is a great thread. I love that we can cross-post.

You might also like this thread.

Recipes using black-eyed peas


“All the things” ( in my fridge) chick pea salad. Sharing because I was pleasantly surprised!

Chick peas from Nancy’s chopped salad recipe.
Roasted cherry tomatoes
Tomato Jam
Avocado from a sale on huge 2 for something.
1/2 cucumber left over from making gazpacho
Washed parsley and cilantro from I don’t know what, but it was in a damp paper towel so I’m hoping it was washed.
Splash of oil from the cooked beans
Splash of last seasons tomato shrub.


Looks tasty! Pretty much the same idea (but with the chickpeas made into falafel)…