YouTube: Kand Hyati

This channel popped up when I visited YouTube. It’s a video visit to a middle aged couple’s family farm in Azerbaijan, and its addictive. He plows, plants, harvests, and supplies firewood for her massive amounts of baking, pickling, and stewing. She’s got asbestos hands and seems to be preparing food for dozens of unseen people. Mostly outdoors on randomly-situated fires. Canning is done without water baths. The home’s interior isn’t seen but the only running water and (vintage) fridge are in the village kitchen, the building of which was a video’s topic. No recipes, no measuring…so much for baking requiring precision!


So it’s about growing stuff in Azerbaijan that’s addictive like poppy/heroin? Like…is it good quality stuff worth watching?

This is the umbrella site for several folks :blush:

Like this:

And this:

I also subscribe to another place,

These guys are Mongolian.
Lots of fun.

And this one:


Thank you! I have a friend who used to visit Mongolia for over a month every summer. She’ll be interested in this.

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SO many questions! In most of the videos, Prymaat (nicknamed after The Coneheads, because “mass quantities”) doles out three servings, presumably one is for the unseen videographer. Here, she’s made enough for a battalion. When the village kitchen is built, she stacks the shelves with the large jars of preserved produce she has made, mostly on a fire outside her farmhouse. I wonder if the village is a Moslem commune, wherein Beldar and Prymaat are tasked with supplying meals to everyone. I haven’t seen any water bath canning, just cooked produce ladled hot into jars that are way too big to be used in one family meal. I noticed, on the village kitchen shelves, partially-used jars. Since the summers are warm enough to grow citrus, the jars can’t possibly stay cold year-round. The meat is fresh, so that MUST be frozen or refrigerated and shared among households for same-day cooking. Other than the village kitchen’s small refrigerator, and some cordless power saws and drills that presumably get recharged somewhere, there’s no sign of electricity in the Coneheads’ daily lives. Prymaat is clearly an experienced cook and baker, though Beldar never shows any appreciation other than making the tea. Also, it looks like there’s no rodent or squirrel pillaging of foodstuffs. Those cats and chubby dogs must be quite talented, in addition to well- behaved. The cats never knock things over or jump onto tables or other work surfaces. The cooking fires are made without kindling, yet a single match suffices to catch small logs and branches alight. :thinking::flushed:

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These are great!

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A brand spanking new one hot off the presses!


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Here are a few actual recipes. Turns out that Prymaat’s actual name is Aziza. Her grown son (the videographer?) worked as a chef in Baku, the capitol, until Covid closed the restaurant.

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Thanks!! Perusing the posts, I was wishing for recipes.