Why Are So Dang Many Potato Chip Brands From Pennsylvania?

So. Many. Brands.

Any of my Penna peeps have a favorite?


Good question, just don’t ask Utz. [Yeah, we deserve to get Zapped for that one.]


years ago, Jim Leff held a potato chip tasting in Manhattan. I think the winner was Gibbles then my fave (I havent made a new judgment since then) Back in those days, you could find big barrels of all the main brands in local groceries - I havent noticed them nearly as much in recent years. I do enjoy the lard chips but its been a while since I have purchased them or indeed purchased any chips.

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Gosh, the Gibbles are calling us – never had the pleasure. Betcha they recall McDonald’s fries of old.

Ahhhh, I remember Gibbles from when I lived in central PA in the mid-1980s! They were (are) GOOD potato chips! Plus they have a good tag line. :smiley:

Potato chips are one of those things that it’s much easier to not buy than to buy and not eat when you get them home. I rarely buy them, but when they’re in the house I’ll have one- and then three hundred more.


I can take or leave potato chips, but we do not have crunchy cheetos in the house for similar reasons — we pretty much only buy them for poker games.

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Yeah, especially those. Once a year I’ll buy a snack size, but I gobble those down and am glad I didn’t buy a big one. They’re even better than potato chips.

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Same here. I’m partial to Route 11 chips that are made in Virginia. When I’m passing by the factory, I usually stop and buy a huge bag. Fortunately, I don’t go by very often.