Where can I find excellent Italian sausage in Santa Fe, NM?

I’ll be helping our daughter and son-in-law with their two little ones this summer in Los Alamos, NM. Where can I find excellent Italian sausage in Los Alamos or Santa Fe?
Thanks in advance for your suggestions.

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They’ll have a very good but wildly overpriced Italian sausage at the Deli at Sasella, and maybe at Beck & Bulow. For something more reasonable (and possibly as good or better), ask at the “Santa Fe Foodies” Facebook group.

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Thanks so much! I just joined the Facebook group and I’ll post my question there.

I asked that question for you but I couldn’t c&p to here, so scroll through for the last couple of days. :cowboy_hat_face:

If you are down in Albuquerque, Tully’s Italian deli on San Mateo south of I40 makes good Italian sausage.