What's up with the short fuse for editting?

I am not sure. I went into the settings but I couldn’t find a setting for the delete window. If the ‘delete window’ is the same as the ‘edit window’, then it will be 1 hour.

Within that one hour, there is no limit to the frequency of edits.

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Hmmm. I think posts can be deleted for longer than an hour (I’ll delete my query above just to check), but thank you for your reply.

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This is what I got when I tried to delete my post from yesterday, and it’s the first time I have ‘performed this action’. :thinking:. Maybe that’s the answer?

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I’ve started getting that too. Today I also got a 429 error code, which I looked up and found

"The HTTP 429 Too Many Requests response status code indicates the user has sent too many requests in a given amount of time (“rate limiting”)



Yah, software’s been a lil glitchy in the last few days.


I just click a couple more times to get past that error code.

429 is rate limiting. I have yet to find a consistent explanation from the developers or from other users of the forum software about how to avoid rate limiting. There are actual use of rate limiting which is to prevent for example search engine crawlers from sending too many requests to the forum, or when a user opens 50 topic windows at the same time, and take up too much of the server resources. With that said, there are also other instances when we here occasionally from into 429s when we shouldn’t. No idea why or how to prevent it. But as long as you don’t see it very often, you should just ignore it.


How strange. I was able to delete my post from 2 days ago. So, I guess the deletion window is more generous than the editing window?

You can delete a response from months and months ago. Not sure what the limit is. But if you try to delete more than one or 2 old posts, the system will make you wait a day before you can do another deletion.


Thank you. That makes a lot of sense!

I just got an error message for trying to edit an hour old post. The editing pen was still showing below.

The msg claimed the post was made too long ago, yet the edit ended up taking… :thinking:

Right at one hour, editing it can be sketchy. Also note that although the notification numbers on your avatar/member icon will continue to show up without refreshing a page, the edit icon generally won’t go away until you refresh (or nav to a different page then return, basically a refresh).

I’ve tried to edit when the pencil was still there (even though I eventually got it through my head that I was hours late) and spent time making my would-be edit, only to get the error message and then have the page auto refresh and the pencil disappears. IIRC it usually requires me to acknowledge the message by clicking something, but I’m not sure it always does.


The choices used to be continue editing (with the too late! message when you try), and "delete ".

Sometimes I have had it refresh to a blank post, which was especially confusing since I don’t believe you can make a blank post. I have been known to ask the mods for help, only to have the post miraculously re-appear before they have had a chance to look into it!