What's On Your Mind 2023

Frustrating how often I see the word “pour” used in place of the word “pore” as a verb in a sentence.

You don’t pour over a map. It would be wet and useless if the characters did that.

Just pour me a glass of wine while I pore over the concept of editors not understanding the correct usage.

C’mon, writers and editors! There’s this thing called the Internet where you can get the answers to almost everything. Then again, editors should already know the appropriate word. :face_with_raised_eyebrow::thinking:


I enjoy Facebook for the most part, but I do have to remind myself of my old rule to Never. Read. The. Comment. Section. You will lose your faith in humanity.

As far as my own groups are concerned (I run 6 or 7 different ones), there’s zero tolerance for bullying, personal attacks, or politics. I run a tight ship, so they generally are friendly, informative & fun.

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And I used to think most English speakers would know when to use “I,” “me,” or “myself” - but it appears to be very confusing to the majority. I blame 5 years of Latin for being able to distinguish being a subject in a sentence (i.e. ‘I’) from being an object (i.e. ‘me’) :woman_shrugging:

My PIC says it shouldn’t bother me, but it does :joy:


Don’t get me started.


Mine is taking a “peak” instead of taking a “peek.”
Also “peak” your interest instead of “pique.”
“Wet your appetite” is also cringe.


Myself would never do that.


Mine is “should of” instead of “should have”; “should of went” is particularly annoying.

  • It was a dark and stormy night as I was sitting at the defense table in the dank and drafty courtroom, with my client, the capital murder defendant, at my side, when during the testimony of the prosecution’s star witness, I suddenly realized, with a dread that turned my bowls to icewater, that he suspected that I was, in fact, furiously scribbling out the introduction for a murder fiction novel, instead of taking notes from his trial proceedings.

(I can’t remember it all but there was much more, and I’m pretty sure it was from a similar contest)


Thirty-three hours remain…



I want to use that as my “status” text field at work!

I love this!! :joy::joy::joy: if I were drinking a beverage while I was reading this, the drink would be all over the place!!

Now I have a serious case of the giggles :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

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I was cutting wood last year, when I came across a downed tree that has Christmas lights in the wood, as it had grown into the tree, rather the tree grew around them. Unlike barbed wire, the string didn’t hurt my chain. Just thought it odd, when I grabbed a log and got poked by the wires. Still burned!

I’ve found the a paper birch branch the best thing for chewy/nippy dogs. My last two pooches found the texture of that wood perfect for teeth. Not very messy, either. Sometimes old school is better school.

Dressed to the nines in Georgio Armani representing the best cows in the world who produce rhe best milk in the world for milk to make cheese and other . Saying " Yea baby."
And i woke up from this dream .

I see “should of” in college students’ papers. Funny, my iPad just autocorrected it to “should have” and I changed it back. So there really *is” no excuse …


Different “than” instead of different “from”.
Also “healthy” in reference to a food instead of “healthful”. Although I suppose that a healthy carrot is more likely to promote health than an unhealthy one,


Yesterday I was watching a sporting event and, on the screen flashed a key player’s nickname. It was something like “Peanut” Smith (cant remember the actual). I laughed because the screen had it as Peanut “Smith”. I guess I shouldn’t assume anything unless I see the actual birth certificate, huh?


Let’s not forget “on accident”. Drives me nuts!!! Trouble is that most of these kinds of things have been ‘legitimized’ by long-term use…… or so says Google if you look them up.




When I ‘donated’ my gall bladder last year, I spent the night before the procedure thinking of all the foodstuffs I wouldn’t be having again, in addition to deleting the small volumes of alcoholic beverages I’d drink on occasion. I did not sleep a wink, there were so many things to pore over that night.
Fast forward to now, next week I will be ‘donating’ parts of different abdominal organs to clean out a bug that showed up last month in my duodenum. (Insert big swear word). I’ve been a food aficionado all my life. I will be working through a food plan that is similar to what a bariatric surgery patient starts with; portions are measured in tablespoons. The pancreas, liver, stomach and small intestine will all be impacted and I’ll be ‘donating’ a bunch of lymph nodes. I’m looking forward to some creative meal planning!
Who wudda guessed that a week or so of bad indigestion would lead to this.
Please everyone, pay attention to your bod. It was an endoscopy procedure that discovered the bug. I am so thankful to my gastro NP for making me get the endo done at the same time as the scheduled colono. I pray this does not happen to you, I hadn’t a clue or a symptom of what was going on in there.
I’m going to take ‘a leave’ from HO for a bit. All the wonderful foodie talk will have to wait for a while.
Hanppy New Year, Peace, Warmth and Goodwill for all!