What's for Dinner #92 - the Fool Me Once Edition - April 2023

Chicken legs on the Traeger. Barbecue sauce. Store bought potato salad and coleslaw. Tired of the lousy weather. Its dug in like a tick . What the heck. I want camping food. Cheers


Poorman’s bibimbap


I found gyro meat from my favorite Turkish grocery store in the freezer and decided to make Iskender Kabob for dinner. This led Mr Bean and The Sprout make toum, the Lebanese garlic sauce. Served with toasted bread, spiced tomato sauce, tzatziki and tabouli.


A few years ago my mom tried to give me an entire spice rack of matching jars that had been around since I was a little girl. The herbs were all faded to a soft gold… i gently refused.


I like your wine glass. I have a framed Gilroy Garlic Festival poster from the 1970s. I can’t take a picture of it; it’s downstairs in my storage locker …

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Simple dinner for us tonight of Tomato Rice (one of many “official” varieties of Indian “fried rice”), with accompaniments of:

  • Papad (specifically Khichiya, a rice variety from Gujarat made of rice flour and cumin)
  • Baked-from-frozen breaded fish bites (that were a nice contrast of both spicy and crunchy)
  • Vegetable and green moong soup (for sis and me)
  • Yogurt for mom (which is actually the only accompaniment for tomato rice when she makes it :rofl:)

Rice passed muster with everyone (this is not a “me” dish but a “them” dish so that matters :joy:).

I also made idlis for mom’s breakfast (from the homemade batter I froze last week) while I was making dinner.


That looks :heart:ly! I’ll have to find a way around the NYT paywall.

Aw. Here ya go: https://cooking.nytimes.com/recipes/1024066-gochujang-buttered-noodles?unlocked_article_code=-iH7nbL32kxfH2WZsTFbFTBES6mFpOT6shcefpPsLXz7QToWhOftcEJew_F1SWj8ugW0MaeKL6673VKFGg3S1WKOmgONAZbbUXFh7jYKoaUwdu0zRzDkEhPo9F03NxnWErBiFlb_hHJHNPWPIg49p3-LE2gYIQTZ42HEVFVSJM3lQxmrLJohFNm4FO4Gv15-YJpaEtx7prfXgB3x64DbKkxv22Ht13Jy4ToYZjHFxTtoNsfGFi7icn8-HlHl_bHUGkO5Yd7ZdAsMTIMMFuLRGZyB6R9Y05j1ULbhVq-rDBmhMUb1TZ3E18LmNqTeN2gYue80CIJoZ87VLcan1nYc&smid=share-url


I found jars of sixty’s era cardamom pods in mother’s spice cabinets twenty something years ago. They were still viable and into 2020! Makes me wonder about saving ancient seeds. We also found a zillion bags of small nails in small bags that pop would bring home from the hardware store and I guess, lose. An excuse to get out of the house on the weekend, besides getting a hair cut, was buying nails at the hardware store.


I wonder if @LindaWhit has ever considered growing her hair long, and decided against it because it would mean a lesser frequency of scallop dinners :slight_smile:


My favorite blue.


Mine too!

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And I have 3 more cheeses to try :slight_smile:


I had long straight hair when I was young, up until I graduated high school. Then I got it cut to shoulder-length as it was more “appropriate” for a business setting (I was going into Katharine Gibbs School for secretarial training). Little did I know I’d have preferred to keep it ponytail length throughout my life. Oh well.

But no - scallops would still be on my menu as often as I’d get down to Wegmans. But you’re right - probably a bit less often. :wink:


I’d rarely eat scallops if I tied it to haircuts. I think I cut mine once every 1.5-2yrs. Also, just a little good-natured teasing.


Yeah, when I DID have long hair, I think it was trimmed only every 6 months or so.

And my haircut/scallops became a thing when I moved further north but my hairdresser stayed in the general area where he always was. So I drive from my town near the NH border down 93S to Reading, MA, then down to Burlington, MA on 95S/128S for Trader Joe’s and Wegmans) and then up yet another two highways (Route 3N and 495N) to get home. I “drive a square” on Haircut Day. LOL


Hey, gas is expensive. Make the most of those trips out! I wish my hairdresser stayed in one place. She’s moved 4x since I started seeing her, and each time further away. I didn’t follow her to the 3rd and 4th place bc the 3rd, she had a co-stylist during covid who wouldn’t wear a mask, and the 4th was just too far away.

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:pray:Bless you! I’m going to try it tonight along with boilng some shrimp in the pasta water.

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You’re very welcome, and I’m sure you’ll let us know how it turned out :slight_smile:

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Wise move, linking trips!

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