What's For Dinner #89 - the Dawn of a New Year Edition - January 2023

@TheLibrarian28 and @retrospek I admire your willpower! My Girl Guide cookies never make it to the freezer :slight_smile:


Me too, although in the mid 90’s. I still remember two houses in town who didn’t come to the door when it was delivery time. I didn’t push it, figuring they didn’t have the money and regretted the order. Some things you never forget.

Probably not. DH likes Oreos and would eat a trifle made with them. I think if I was forced to make a dessert for other people with Thin Mints, I might do a scoop of mint chocolate chip ice cream, a drizzle of chocolate liqueur and stick a frozen Girl Scout cookie in the side of of it.


I lived in a small town in Ohio when I went canvassing door-to-door and sometimes it was dusk before I walked back home. I did have one creepy experience, but not a razor-blade-in-an-apple kind of Halloween tale. Things are so different now. Our local small town ACE Hardware store has set up a table inside to let Girl Scouts sell their cookies in a warm place in the daylight hours.

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Tonight we had a Jain style matar paneer, which topped baked sweet potatoes. Green salad on the side.


Pulled pork, Ethiopian beef samosa

cucumber salad,

and Olivye/ Olivier tonight

I love vegetables. Ideas for a vegetarian dinner. Not a big production .


I made ramen with broth from a rotisserie chicken and the rest of the meat, and homemade noodles. It looked and tasted kind of beige. Unfortunately I forgot the blanched snow peas and baby bok choy that were briefly shocking in the freezer. Sigh.

Topped with marinated bamboo shoots, jammy soy egg, daikon pickle, and furikake.

I hate disappointments that demolish the kitchen.


Tonight’s dinner was a oan fried trout fillet and Greek salad minus the feta because I forgot it :frowning:


Chicken thigh mole, relleno stuffed with pepperjack and smoked pepperjack, cheddar and crema on top. Rice, avocado and radishes.
Yesterday the Eagle’s Heartache Tonight came up on my shuffle. How prophetic.


Old-school, oven-baked tacos made from leftover Peruvian chicken. Topped with Tillamook and Cougar Gold cheddars, and tabasco (sriracha mayo optional). Served with sweet-potato oven fries.


The Girl Scouts organization has adopted many guidelines (read ‘rules’) for every aspect of cookie sales (and the other product sales like calendars and nuts) since my day (mid 60’s), primarily about safety. Most troops have done away with table sales and you can find and order cookies (even the ones not offered by the local councils) online. There are many scouts that are ‘Juliettes’ or lone scouts who are not associated with a troop, but do participate in council sponsored activities. My daughter sold products in person with her troops through the mid aughts. Thin Mints have always held a special place in my heart. One could easily gobble up a sleeve, if given the opportunity. You can find more information at www.girlscouts.org


I don’t mean to take this thread off track but I can’t help myself. What a lot of people think is that cookie sales go towards the GSA in general. When in fact the “den mother” is in charge of all money collected and most people think they spend it on the troop. What happened in my small town years ago really disillusioned me towards Girl Scouts of America. This woman was in charge of all troops. She rubbed her hands together when it was cookie season. Come to find out she was using the cookie money every year to pay her bills., It only came to light when when another woman who she shared the GS account with wrote a check for free back packs for school and it bounced. The. woman had written a check for $350 for her daughter’s abortion. It took two years of phone calls and handwritten letters(way before internet and email) to get her kicked out of GS. Then she showed up two years later a few towns over in charge of another troop.

I might delete this as soon I post it it, but at least I’ll get off my chest. I have no respect for GSA. Sorry. I don’t believe people keeping the cookie money is an isolated incident either…


I am sorry that happened to you and believe me it is something that rarely happens. There are so many check and balances to keep that kind of situation from happening. Leaders have to submit to all sorts of vetting, too. A DOJ report isn’t unheard of. The girls themselves are supposed to choose how their troop spends the money (a portion of the sales, mind you) and back when I was a scout, we chose troop camping trips, camping gear and a small donation to the children’s hospital in our town. When I left scouting as a leader 15 or so years ago, some troops were saving up for trips Disneyworld! That’s a lot of cookie sales!


Well, it LOOKS the part, anyway. That egg is


Tell about the soy egg!

Oh, wow. I am freaking out. She must have been desperate. My mom was a SAHM with me and my brothers - she was my Brownie Scout leader and my Girl Scout leader and I was in Girl Scouts until I graduated from high school in 1970 in rural Ohio (much to the derision of my school’s band director when my Girl Scout activities interfered with his events involving my saxophone). He probably would have kept the money too - he was a very abusive little man.


Good to hear there are safeguards now. Obviously that wasn’t the case back then.

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My teenage daughter’s dinner tonight. Her take on charcuterie. Comte, parmigano reggiano and sartori cheese, prosciutto and soppressata, grapes, baguette, her recipe for " bread dipping oil" (She’s a fan of California Pizza Kitchen) and washed down with the finest vintage grocery store oat milk.


I’ve been working 12, 14-hour days for weeks on end. Some nights I have a dinner of food I made and set aside during the previous weekend, but there were also multiple nights of pizza, or a pint of ice cream, or mediocre Chinese takeout.

Today we launched the thing we’ve been working so hard to launch, and after a much-needed trip to the gym, I went to the grocery store and bought the fixings for a truly enormous chopped salad. Romaine, red pepper, cocktail tomatoes, cucumber, these little red pickled pepper things I don’t know what they are called, a bit of cheese, a can of fancy tuna, scallions, homemade vinaigrette. The photo doesn’t truly convey the enormity of this salad. That’s my biggest glass bowl.

Hit the spot.


Looks great! Sorry it was a disappointment.

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