What's For Dinner #66 - the Candle Lights in Chilly Nights Edition - February 2021

One of our favorite recipe sites, the family history section is gold. The challah recipe linked is the version I’ve had most success with.

Good to see you. I agree some nights all I have is a slice of cheesecake to offer but the inspirations never end. Nice lookin meal you have there!

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Did you enjoy the lachuch? Meal looks tasty.

Thanks for the recommendation. I will keep that in mind!

Thanks for posting that picture. I’ll have to try them. Do they come with a dipping sauce. Do you have a recipe for your own sauce?

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I’m jealous that you had cheesecake for dinner. It looks marvelous!

Interesting! I popped over to the website and see the recipes for the series are posted as well.

Thank you for this pointer especially because I so need a dose of inspiration right now.

It really was easy to make and in a small 6 inch springform pan, we can move on to the next recipe.

I don’t believe this brand came with one, probably because it was so big. The smaller bags come with sauce packets, which I always discard.

Our dumpling sauce varies. Sometimes he makes it, sometimes it is me. We take a “little of this, little of that” approach. But the basics are always soy sauce, freshly minced garlic and ginger, a spoonful of Lao Gan Ma chili crisp, and maybe a splash of rice wine vinegar. Like I said, it varies!


What I was tryin’ ta say was, that chili con carne looks nice and rich for low-fat and I’d love to know how you made the yummy looking dark sauce @ChristinaM. :slightly_smiling_face:

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Thank you. Yes I enjoyed the lachuch. It took a while for me to get the hang of cooking it. The batter seemed incredibly liquidly so I added a bit more flour. I had a hard time getting the right amount of batter in the pan the first few times, but then I was ok. I have the same problem with crepes no matter how often I make them.

I also like that website - I think you may have been the one who first introduced me to it. I’ll have to check out the challah recipe. I usually only make challah once a year for Rosh Hashana as I like to do a round braid.

I recall that during the Jewish Food Fest last year, we discussed the site, the fest recipes and challah. I wasn’t aware of the event you are following. Thanks for sharing the link. There are quite a few recipes within it that look interesting.

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Sauce - a little coffee, beef and veggie Better than Bullion, water, the black bean liquid, cumin, chili powder, paprika, a little brown sugar, some unsweetened cocoa, tomato paste, splash of balsamic (usually use red wine/beer) and a shot of liquid smoke (so sue me). Plus stewed tomatoes, the browned meat, beans, corn (added in last hour), minced corn tortilla, and aromatics.


Fantastic. Sounds like a great veggie chili base too.

Tonight I made beef and leek stew in the Instant Pot, using a little imperial stout. Turned out well at roughly 500 cal/big bowlful.


I ordered and enjoyed salmon in a soy and ginger sauce with sautéed vegetables and basmati rice from my chef friend. This was only a half portion!


I could get into a 4 day weekend regularly. Last night shrimp tacos, cilantro lime slaw, lime creama and these delicious black beans! I think I’ve finally picked a tortilla recipe.

Tonight made this pasta from the latest milk street. A slow cooking mostly onion ragu… wow. Really, really good. Thank goodness for the food processor!


Well do tell, where did you get the pizza?

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ohhh maki picatta! that looks/sounds great.

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Spag & Meatballs, ala the BF. Spicy New York Style sausage for the MBs, and doctored up Rao’s marinara. Green salad on the side with Marie’s BC, and toasted olive bread. Simples, really good, and I didn’t have to cook.