What's For Dinner #58 - the Uncertain Certain Summertime Edition -June 2020

After our harrowing boxed dinner last night, what do you suppose I did? I got another box out and fried it up!

Third instruction on the box was uncover and fry to desired crispness. That’s like telling a NASCAR hopeful: “There’s no Governor on the throttle. Go as fast as you want.” Fried potatoes and terrific cold cut sandwiches for dinner tonight…



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I :heart: DTF’s thin wrappers. Sadly, one of our locales was a COVID casualty. There’s a new location in the swanky Century City Mall (L.A.), but the old-school one in the SGV didn’t survive. :cry:

Hi @tomatotomato!

Nice charcuterie spread! My favorite way to eat.


I went to Chapel Hill-Chauncy Hall for a year.

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Glad you’re on the mend! Thank goodness for modern technology!

Tried out something new to me today - fish delivery straight off a boat…

Took about half an hour , maybe a bit more, to “process” the fish to get the skin and bloodlines off the loins and portion the ahi tuna, sea bass, and opa. The tuna belly of course arrived whole, skin and fat/cartilage intact. So that took some looking up, and I decided to leave 3 portions intact for slicing on other days.

I’m tempted to offer to pay the source to do the prepping, but I don’t think they’ll be up for it because they bolded the font of “skin on bloodline intact.” Sigh. Worth it, though, for literally off the boat fish.

Sibling started saying that there was so much fish from the shipment from a fancy place last week… until I cut some sashimi bits off for a taste… and then it was all about “we should get more! I’ll ask my friends if they want to get in on the order next time!” And we are now giving away some of this order to the friend who helped fix one of the cars yesterday… so I guess it was a good call :crazy_face:

Here’s the portion of ahi tuna belly I practiced on - lightly dressed, plus some avocado and scallions, and shichimi togarashi.

Last night we had what was supposed to be black bean chili but was watery soup. I made some cornbread from my giant stock of maseca - very tasty, but I used too much real corn and it ended up halfway between corn pudding and cornbread. Made less of a issue because I baked muffins.

Also pan-cooked some gorgeous king salmon fillets with a sprinkling of garlic, chilli, and cumin. Used the ATK cold pan method, which worked beautifully.


Oh wow! Wasn’t that the first US location?

I actually (DTF blasphemy alert!) don’t like their dumplings, other than the wrappers and visual - the filling lacks flavor to my palate. The thought only makes me miss my nyc xlb more…

But there are other significant pluses on their menu!

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A Friday at work that wasn’t crazy.
Rather quiet.
I’ll take it.

We got takeout Chinese for lunch for the 5 of us that were in the office today, so I wasn’t super hungry until later tonight.

Standard Friday night dinner: NY strip steak (that I unfortunately overcooked to medium) with Ballymaloe steak sauce, baked tater with TPSTOB (ASC), and green beans.

Oh. There WAS wine. And maybe I’ll get around to watching the last 4 eps of Top Chef All-Stars this weekend. I’ve fallen out of watching TV these past few months, and even with a show I love, I’m just not interested.


Sure looks good!


That’s what my cousin says. She rarely remembers a meal, but still talks about the food in Turkey.


Thank you! I am glad that you are recovering nicely and slowly getting your appetite back.

I was thinking the same thing. I don’t feel like cooking means Postmates delivery in our home.


Mrs. P made a delicious lobster and mushroom pappardelle using gorgeous Two Rivers mushroom medley that we bought from Local 130 seafood and $5.99 a pound lobster on sale from Shop Rite. She followed Martha Stewarts mushroom pasta recipe and added lobster and fresh purple basil among other things. It all went great with an Awesome Shiraz.


But sometimes you gotta’. I have a big Stouffer’s Mac & Cheese in the freezer I was saving for my godson’s sleepovers (it’s about all he’ll eat besides eggs). But C19 halted sleepovers… so that M&C has my name on it!


I made a double batch of chipotle mint meatballs in tomato sauce from Rick Bayless’ Mexican Everyday last night, and they were so good we had the leftovers for dinner tonight! The combination of mint and smokiness is surprisingly irresistible. I subbed a combination of ground pork rinds and ricotta cheese for the breadcrumbs called for and they were incredibly moist.


I don’t know but I was shocked.

So envious of all these cool patios and backyards. Mine is still unfinished and looks like a war zone.

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Thank you! :grin:

Simple, boring dinner tonight. BF is working late and I have an early morning tomorrow, so some veggie burgers with American cheese and frozen fries** it is. Only effort I put into the meal was making a Sriracha slaw for the burger which was pretty damn good.

No meat. No alcohol. Blah. A throwaway night if there ever was one.

** McCann’s “five minute fries”. Yeah right. First time in the oven took 20 minutes. Tonight in the air fryer took 13. I need to stop reading directions and set myself up for disappointment. Tasteless but crispy.


I had that package in my hand Friday afternoon, and intended to buy it. Until…saw the price: $11.99. That’s what drove me down the aisle to the Boston Market products.

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