What's for Dinner #47 - the Halfway Through The Year Edition - July 2019


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Omg! I’m not sure hives for 7 years would be worth it to me :joy::sob:

Usually I wait a week before eating this biryani… it’s heavy and spicy enough that I need to acclimatize first, given my usual diet is neither. This time it was on the second or third day, and compounded by the available special of Khichda - a meat, lentil, and grain stew that’s delicious but also so rich that it’s only made once or twice a week even at a restaurant.

So yeah, this is totally on me :woman_facepalming:t2:

Today I ate a delicious naan and a paratha stuffed with potato. Yesterday I ate toast. So I guess it has averaged out ok over a few days :rofl:


We’re slumming it tonight - beef pie (farm shop purchase) that just needs warming up in the oven . Tinned vegetables - I see butter beans and sweetcorn in my near future. They’ll probably go in the oven as well. There’s cheese, yoghurts and strawberries in the fridge should we need something to follow.


Well, the strawberries had gone mouldy and there were no butter beans.

On bright side of things, I’m sat here sipping a Seedlip & tonic and nibbling on the last of some very decent olives we bought from Lidl.

Tomorrow, dinner will be a two parter. A snack early on and then we’re driving into the city to the theatre. The play - “There is a light that never goes out” - is a modern interpretation of the Luddite “rebellion”. It’s very much part of the history of the region. The Peterloo massacre took place in the city on 16 August 1819, when cavalry charged a peaceful protest, killing 18 and wounding hundreds. Even men from my village had taken took part in the protests the month before. Nothing happened for weeks after the riot, in our nearby town of Stockport then the army turned up in the village to arrest them. Most fled but one was taken and deported to Australia for 14 years. But, enough of the politics, both 19th and 21st century versions. After the theatre, there will probably be part 2 of dinner, assuming we’ll be peckish. There’s a decent enough Chinese restaurant a few minutes walk from the theatre that I’ve never been to but a friend has recommended.


I had a very pleasant Smiths flashback just now

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We had some fresh handmade mozzarella that we had to use up so Mrs. P was just going to make a simple mozzarella, tomato, and basil salad to go with some pork tenderloin. Of course Mts. P doesn’t do anything simple :grinning: So what started out as a simple salad turned into a delicious main course of roast pork tenderloin (with a Cajun dry rub) salad, with arugula, mozzarella, avocado, radishes, sautéed red onions, cherry tomatoes, English cucumbers, fresh homegrown basil, celery, and reduced balsamic syrup. The 1st picture is Mrs. P’s work of art and the 2nd picture is with the roast pork tenderloin that I randomly threw on top at the last minute.


Late dinner, but relatively easy. Steak tips seasoned with olive oil, Penzeys’ Tuscan Sunset and s/p, grilled and finished in the oven. Strips of yellow peppers, carrots, and French Breakfast radishes, and my home grown baby tomatoes.

A vinaigrette of olive oil, champagne vinegar, salt, pepper, honey and Dijon mustard.

Yup. Wine.


Linda . You’re meals are always different and amazing . Cheers :wine_glass:


tonight i made some pork loin chops dusted with garlic, s/p, ras al hanout, pimenton, pepper and a bit of flour – browned and then braised along with a “stew” of onion, garlic, tuscan kale, white beans and chicken stock to finish. Served along with a side of curry flavored cous cous.

This was super flavorful and comforting. much needed after getting stuck in 2 hours of traffic on the evening commute. As one of our esteemed colleagues would say – there was wine.


We had a friend and her toddler over for late-afternoon dessert, and as she’s solo parenting, it turned into a quickie vegetarian dinner to follow - veggie meatballs and ww rotini in marinara with an avocado, tomato, and cucumber salad in red wine vinaigrette. I even made garlic bread.


Wow, looks fantastic

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Somehow just writing day-um again wouldn’t work.

That looks amazing.

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Perfect. Did the toddler ate the same?

Unfortunately, Morrissey has lurched off to the political far right and associates with some very unsavoury characters. On the other hand, we watched Johnny Marr on TV at Glastonbury - really good. He did a set of his own and also played during the Killers set.

They both (2 and 1 y.o.) ate it :slight_smile:


The weather makes dinner planning a tad difficult. Well, after the UK’s hottest ever recorded temperature the other day, it’s rained ever so slightly. These photos taken just a few minutes from me.


Summer pasta! Yay! Zucchini, cherry tomatoes, corn, sausage with some fresh mozzarella and basil.


It’s only lunch time here, but bookmaking this to try later.

Fancy and Beautiful Tomato Salad

A new thread for August has been started here: