What's For Dinner #40 - 12/2018 - The Hearth and Home Edition

You might appreciate this - the mozzarella was actually sliced up string cheese, AKA toddler snack. I had a giant ball of mozzarella but it had expired in October and didn’t taste right.


Chorizo and cauliflower tacos with zucchini vinaigrette, rosé.


Dinner was a food magazine and a cup of saffron tea. 3 IF days to go!


WFD yesterday was mussels, Portuguese style. Tomatoes, onions, garlic, Espelette peppers, lemon juice, Chardonnay, mussel juice, fresh lemon thyme, paprika and butter. Thanks to the mussel thread, this time the sauce had no sand!

I forgot the heavy cream, didn’t notice until we finished the mussels. The liquid was tasty, but it was slightly too salty, I forgot that mussels added much salt.

Recipe here:

Dinner tonight was pork loin (actually it was pork shoulder on the shopping list, maybe hubby thinks both are the same?!.. anyway), cooked with dried herbs, estragon, origan, thyme, white wine. Brushed some honey last 10 minutes in the oven.

Some greens with lemon confits and pomegranate seeds, with a lemon vinegar.

Cauliflower, leek and potato cream soup. This soup gathered a few ingredients that normally should be trashed. Used 2 chicken carcasses, leeks, garlic and onions to make the broth the day before. Added cauliflower outer leaves and stems to the broth (don’t know why, this particular cauliflower, the white part was so tiny, with so many leaves, I felt cheated and reluctant to throw out all the leaves). Added more leek, potatoes, cream, fresh thyme and bay leaf. Not bad at all.


3 days?! Wow!
Actually I need to do some blood tests soon, but keep delaying it, so hard to fast the night before the test when the temperature is so cold.

Yeah, don’t jump into the IF pool until you are ready. I have my dr. clear it every time. Your photos are sensational. Such great meals.

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I often use the leaves/stem of cauliflower, especially the farmers market ones come with so much. Very “root to tip” vegetable cooking!
The soup sounds so delicious :))
Maybe hubby just needs more practice with the grocery shopping…?


this is one of the best ideas for a quick delicious dinner I’ve ever heard of…even though slow cooker was involved. You are really a genius at these great, quick combinations. It makes me realize I have all this stuff in my freezer and just need the spinach or chard to add at the end. Well, and cukes and zucchini. Are you writing a cookbook? You should! and great to hear your wine problem is solved…you never know when the next snowstorm will appear.


Surprisingly i lived to tell after a brutal two days back to back of presentations and sketch reviews for two divisions… got back “home” last night and called a decent apple i had to peel the extra waxy skin off of from the fruit basket, with a bit of granola from the jar and a clif bar dinner (side note the clif builder peanut butter is my most favorite flavor).

Still much to do as a result of the meetings- but there was a company wide non-optional business meeting to attend this afternoon where we were surprised by a presentation of afternoon treats table that actually had a marshmallow hanging curtain decoration?!!

I had a chunk of my coworker’s pretty brownie (really good one too!) and a bit of coffee- there was fancy hot chocolate too, but also dairy based

Finished up for the day late again, found a chinese delivery option with basic tofu vegetable soup which is all that sounded good. Also ordered a side of rice but hardly made a dent in it, somehow not very good.

Back to nyc tomorrow night, hopefully not stupid late.


Was hungry for something comforting tonight - have been fending off a cold or the flu… something. Od’ing on turmeric…

All the sumac discussion and @ChristinaM’s chicken resulted in my own rendition, using naan and chicken breasts from the freezer. I was craving rice, so a double dose of carbs today - “brown” rice i.e. caramelized onion rice. Cabbage slaw not pictured, onion raita in the bowl.

I’ve been sipping on hot water with ginger shrub all evening… maybe a hot toddy before bed.



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^^This. What you say brings such a big smile to my face that it may break. :laughing:


thank you!

You are too kind! I riffed on a recipe found here: https://www.thekitchn.com/2-ingredient-slow-cooker-dinners-262099

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New discussion is up here: Weekly Dinner Planning - 12/2018 - The Holiday Madness Edition


Tonight was quick but good: a loose riff on Sam Sifton’s miso-honey chicken adding garlic, sesame cauliflower-Jasmine rice pilaf, a fennel bulb roasted with the chicken, and buttered peas with ground ginger and coriander.


Wonderful choices. Terrific photo.


Aw, thanks. Skinless chicken, which now I am so used to.

Late dinner from fridge leftovers: chicken tikka, naan, and cabbage slaw.