What's for Dinner #23 - 07/2017 - the Summertime Picnic & Grilling Edition

I have cooked with it several more times. It’s a nice blank canvas for stuffing. I haven’t used it raw yet. Ttrockwood describes what I’ve looked for. It keeps pretty well for a few weeks without being refrigerated. I have forgotten about it and had it sprout. I need to do that soon and see how it does in a pot on the deck over the summer.

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This article about people in New Orleans trying to reestablish chayote/mirlitons after Katrina is interesting. Has recipes too!

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A post was merged into an existing topic: What’s for Dinner #32 - the Spring Has Finally Sprung! Edition - April '18

Ok, so I know this is 3 years old, but I have been reading old stuff to keep my kitchen mojo. This made me laugh so hard that I woke up the 14 year old, hard of hearing dog. Was inspired to watch that movie because of a running podcast I love, and glad to get the reference. ‘By Grabthar’s hammer!’

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