What's for Dinner #103 - the Extra 24 Hours Month Edition - February 2024

A favorite of mine too! When I make a big pot of chili I always freeze omelette-sized portions.


Zhoug-marinated roasted chicken thighs (based on a recipe from thekitchn), red onion, carrots (a bit overdone) and 7-grain pilaf. Excellent deliciousness to effort ratio meal.


After a serial gut bomb of a lunch that I thought would send me straight to bed for a well-deserved nap but didn’t, we felt like lighter fare for dinner… but not like cooking.

So I told my beloved that “I’ll buy if you fly,” and he went out to pick up sushi: king salmon, escolar, mackerel, yellowtail sashimi, suzuki & chū toro nigiri, yellowtail scallion roll.

The place was a zoo, apparently (gosh I wonder why? :thinking:), and the order wasn’t ready when it was supposed to be. They were also out of suzuki, so I ended up steaming a handful of har gow as well.

I foresee a veddy, veddy early evening after last night’s shenanigans, which is just as well: our bathroom remodel starts mañana, and those peeps show up at the crack o’dawn.


He grilled out a ribeye and had a salad. No pics. Some of you might want to close your eyes again. Split pea soup. Yum!


Prime ribeye on the grill. Spinach Caesar.

Choco Valentine cake for dessert.


Doro Wat / Chicken and Egg Stew from COTM Ethiopia for dinner tonight.

Served over faux-injera crepes


Diner dinner. Mini meatloaf, delicious gravy made from frozen leftover gravies, meatloaf and onion Guinness. Green beans sauteed in butter and bacon fat with shallot, garlic and bacon. Cuke, tomato, onion, oo&v, dill salad.


We enjoyed an excellent Valentine’s Day dinner, with live entertainment, at Fiorentini in Rutherford, NJ, including, Lobster, duck, octopus, beef carpaccio, and some excellent desserts. It all went great with our favorite cabernet and a Chateauneuf Du Pape.


Pan seared scallops (bacon fat from the jar, panko crunch) on a bed of spinach, bread grilled with toum and some wine.
Happy :heart: Day!


That looks super good.

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The gumbo looks great! What’s in the muffulatta salad dressing? Can you share your method for getting such a dark roux?

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Last Night’s Supper
Thakkali Sadam(Tomato Rice with Cashews and Spices), Okra with Coconut and Homemade Yogurt.


I had a carton of muffalettta salad from the deli and when it got down to the dregs I added oo & vinegar. My roux is not always as dark as I’d like, just patience and let it cook until you like the color.



Do you drain it? My homemade yogurt is “runny” compared to US store-bought and especially Greek, but of course totally normal texture for homemade.

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Your split pea soup looks a lot like a celeriac and carrot soup I made this week, to use up celeriac left from our CSA share. My soup did the job of using the celeriac but enlightened me that I actually prefer that vegetable in smaller doses, ha. Split pea is much tastier.


Linguine and Moeballz(frozen from Costco ), Rao’s tomato/basil sauce,garlicky garlic bread and a generous dusting of Parm/Regg, also from Costco

#carbcoma 🤌🏻😋


That has me salivating!

Joint effort tonight after gym sesh - cheese fondue, crudites, spicy Cajun sausage, leftover frites, and reheated pretzels from Super Bowl Sunday.


Helloooo, 5-day weekend!

An easy dinner for tonight: roasted chickie boobie with a drizzle of olive oil and a healthy sprinkle of Spicewalla’s Honey and Herb seasoning blend, Near East rice pilaf, and steamed and buttered green beans

Oh, it is gah-ron-teed there was some wine!