What's for dessert? Share your random sweet treats here :-)

Maybe, maybe not so much. I currently live in Driscoll’s country, and I don’t buy their berries in or out of season. I also didn’t do so when I lived on the other side of the country and they had traveled 3K miles (I just got used to only having strawberries for 6-8 weeks, when the local ones were available). Shipped strawberries have little flavor and not-great texture, IMO (YMMV, of course).

Triple berry cream puff.


Oh, wow. That is beautiful!

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FM strawberries were a pleasant surprise. Tart has whipped , sweetened ricotta, pate sucrée crust and excellent strawberries.


Raspberry Dessert:
Crème pat, amaretti cookies dipped in Liqueur Créole Clément, layer of raspberries. Dusted with raspberry confectionery sugar.



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Landed in montreal without a plan for dinner. Found myself in Chinatown, so I had a great bowl of pho and then wandered into an immense bakery. They give you a tray and your own pair of tongs, and you serve yourself.

I settled on a mango white sugar mochi and a pineapple sable. The first was good; the second was not :weary:


What a coincidence … you found a bakery!

I was given a bottle of lemon sugar and one of chocolate sugar in a restaurant in Montreal. That was the first time I came across a flavored sugar.

I just grind up a lot of freeze dried raspberries with confectionery sugar. Also strawberries, but they have a higher moisture content and tend to clump a bit over time.
Raspberry, cocoa, sugar work well.

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A local diner here in SE PA offers smith island cake, so I went and had a slice.


My PIC’s lovely margarita.


(post deleted by author)

Yah, didn’t think so.

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Underwhelming Sicilian pistachio gelato on a hot city afternoon:

Cookies and pastry assortment for afternoon coffees. I stayed strong and resisted getting a lobster tail as well :smiley:

Butter pecan biscotti. Just alright.


Such a shame to waste calories on sub par treats.

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Right? We finished the scoop anyway (of course we did), but… there weren’t even any pistachios in it, and it only vaguely tasted of them. I admit we’re spoiled from having just been in Palermo, where we practically OD’d on pistachio gelati — several varieties even, and my PIC makes a mean pistachio ice cream himself.

Oh, well. Lesson learned. Even institutions can slip, I suppose.

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Where did you buy these?

When I’m in supermarkets etc I’m not tempted by the desserts. I tell myself “it’s not warm” “it’s not homemade”

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If you follow the link you will see that these were purchased at a very famous pastry shop near the Italian market, so we decided to try a few things. I’m not much of a dessert person in the first place, but my dood is :woman_shrugging:t3:

It’s certainly not the end of the world, and we’ve yet to try the other goodies. Domani!

Shoulda gotten the lobster tail. :wink: