What will you NEVER order in a restaurant because you do it better?

Steamed/broiled lobster that is. I’ll still order Lobster Rolls, although I make them as well.

what the hell is a meatball wedge?

In certain parts, it’s a grinder, which may also be foreign terminology to you. Others say submarine sandwich or sub.

JTPhilly, are you originally from southern CT? That’s wedge country to me. We are grinders all the way up here in the central part of the state.

ETA: certainly stunning how many restaurants manage to screw up something as simple as a meatball.

Sorry “wedge” very regional term for a deli sandwich on Italian bread much like a hoagie or sub specific to yonkers and surrounding areas of Westchester county NY

are there other kinds of wedges? or is it specific to meatball?

No it can be any. There is a slight difference in how the sanwich is built from a philly hoagie and bread is a little different but really regional dialect term

The link above made me laugh because it describes me perfect