What’s on your mind?

Thank you for asking me to clarify.

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And thank you for doing so. Not everyone would have.


Did you comment on it on whichever thread it happened?

Otherwise it’s a bit of a non sequitur and people are unable to connect the dots or help the situation.


The thread was locked and comments were removed.

P.S. At least the last time.

I believe that people are very aware when they are not being nice or respectful.

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People are people.
The internet doesn’t change nature, just concentrates it.

I commented on a restaurant thread where someone was openly racist in their review, then threw a tantrum and threatened to leave because they were called on it, and other people on the thread defended them and begged them to stay because the regional board needed activity and some of us were being too touchy. (Oh, someone also told me/us to “suck it up” ie STFU, but no, that’s not going to happen.)

So, as I said, people are people.

I heard and understand your point yet when someone is being bullied that’s not okay.

I chose not to comment because one learns more about what is going on when one observes the dynamics of the situation.

People need to be rational to discuss something.
Otherwise, it is a complete waste of time because “angry people are right in their own mind”.

I did try to flag a post and was not able to report it because the message button was frosted out making it impossible to send.

I decided to use my time wisely and DM the victim instead.

Whoa! I had no idea I was spending all my time in genteel land.

I agree, based on my own experience.

That was nice of you, but I believe when there is public bullying there should be a public show of support (assuming the thread hasn’t been locked), because that’s what bullies need to see from the community.

I’m not sure who you think is the victim or why you came to that conclusion.
The OP didn’t get the response he wanted and threw a hissy fit.
Folks responded. Vocally.
Thread :closed_lock_with_key:
For the better

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Your response was very well thought out and written. It is a true pity that more could not follow in your footsteps.

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I did edit my post but the wrong one.
I would like to clarify that (in my last post) your 3 responses were well written and thought out in the locked thread.
And I wish that more peoole had followed in your footsteps there.

I think this thread is where people can speak their mind . Why edit . Freedom of speech. Right . If you get butt hurt . Look away. Times are crappy and it’s going to get alot worse . Rough seas ahead. .

Strawberry Super Moon:


Rain at last. Hopefully it will help the newly planted crops across the country. We are facing a severe food shortage, and it will get worse in a month, according to the UN and other bodies.
I am going to plant some cassava today. Also some eggplant and long beans. If you haven’t seen mature cassava plants I can take a few photos. :slight_smile:


As someone who despises drama in any shape or form, I found that thread to be quite helpful – especially since I’m fairly new here. While I remember very few posters from CH days & of course know several from my Facebook group, those exchanges show me which posters to not engage with. Ever.


Today is SCOTUS’s last opinion release day for June 2022. With their term coming to an end each release date is highly anticipated.

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Sitting on the edge of my seat…

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Just read this and I was surprised.

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:joy: :joy:

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I’ve shifted my focus and my eyes have been drawn to this statement lately:

“Thoughtful discussions among avid food lovers.”

I’m so grateful that it is at the top of my screen and a gentle reminder for me to behave.