What it's Really Like to Live With a Food Nerd: Our Loved Ones Tell All

What it’s Really Like to Live With a Food Nerd: Our Loved Ones Tell All

This reminds me of traveling with the hubs, who Does NOT cook, but has gotten mad “discerning” since we started hanging out;

"Eating out with Sasha is a whole other deal. There’s a strategy to it that I’ve tried to relay to inquiring friends—just choosing a restaurant requires an eye-rolling amount of due diligence. He’s always talking with industry friends and reading about the restaurant scene, and before committing to a spot, he scours menus for culinary integrity as well as grammatical red flags like “fettucini” that set him off. After menu approval, he generally moves on to cross-referencing reviews from “reputable outlets” and scrolling through Instagram for unforgivable plating sins (both square plates and microgreens are dealbreakers for some reason). It’s a bit much, "

He says NO chowhound recommendations, and he’s really looking for short pasta and chicken breasts, but still.