What is Dirty Food?

From my perspective and in my experience, nonKosher and nonHalal foods are not referred to or thought of as “dirty”. Treyf, which means non-Kosher, has not such implication of etymology with the closest connotation being “unfit.” Haram means “not permitted”.

The food is less the issue than observing and living in the laws set. (Judaism, at least, is more a religion of practice than belief, with belief coming more into discourse during periods of American assimilation.) As for the detour in what needy people should or can eat, because, as you seem to suggest, “beggars can’t be choosers”, I would say that there is no law in Judaism that is held above life: using a machine on Shabbos, for example, is acceptable if it saves a life; treyf could be ok if it saves a life. That said, I think it’s up the individual (as always) to determine what’s acceptable to put in their body.

I have no idea what that means.

As for “dirty food”, I assume (without going back into the discussion) a response to the orthorexic “clean eating” nonsense, and all those other diet logics that infuse food with values of being clean or dirty, healthy or unhealthy. And frankly, I find these far more dogmatic and delusional that many of the standard religious dietary rules.


Basically anything at a County Fair.

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9 1/2 Weeks. That’s dirty food.


I don’t know the context but dirty eating (food) to some people who monitor micros means eating bad choices of food when targeting a certain caloric intake. I never cared. I only monitored calories.

The movie? :flushed:

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Perhaps, but my Muslim nephew refers to halal food as “clean”, so it’s possible some people use “dirty” as the opposite (though I suspect “not clean” is more commonly used).

Tom Jones, also, too.

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Might be an extrapolation from the clean vs. unclean animals on the ark.

Fair enough. Now I’m thinking about why “unclean” doesn’t read as the same thing as “dirty” – to me, that is.

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Maybe bc “unclean” doesn’t sound as sexy as “dirty” :wink:

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What @lingua said, and also maybe because “unclean” sounds temporary - you could get clean. Dirty sounds permanent

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Wouldn’t know entirely. As a Jew, have only thought in terms of kosher and treyf (or not-kosher). For me though “dirty food” is a response to that orthorexic nonsense of “clean eating”. (Apologies for anyone I offend with that “nonsense” bit and count yourself lucky I won’t go into a rant on diets like “paleo”).


It mostly means junk food , fast food or food high in fat & calories while low in nutrients in my experience.

Has nothing to do with religious restrictions in my experience, since there are better words for those foods.


Dirty ice. Alluring dirty ice. Least, that’s what I heard. :slight_smile:

As an also-Jew, I know that “clean eating” is most likely used the way you suggest. But if someone wants to throw some Talmudic-type questions into the mix, how can I not get involved?

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