What is Cast Iron Good For?

With all due respect do you use both hands for lifting? I too am short with very small hands, so I use them both on pans that were designed for only one hand. Looks kinda awkward but works for me.

Yes, I also use both hands. But actually all my CI and ECI pots and pans have two handles.

Not sure I get this. Are you less bothered by the sound of stainless steel or copper or aluminum scraping?

@lampchop – I use two hands when they are free but sometimes mid cooking, I have tongs in another and I will make do with one hand. Or if the pan is quite hot and I only have one mitt on, I use the one hand.

@ratgirlagogo - I can lift my steel/copper pans high enough that they don’t scrape that much. And the scrapes from cast iron does seem a extra sharp to me. It’s usually in moving it from a hot burner to a cool one.

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Cast iron is my stable of workhorses. 18-hour bread in the Dutch oven. Steaks/chops/burgers in a frying pan. Ungreased pan for flatbreads (tortillas, onion pancakes). A well seasoned crepe pan for, er, crepes. And a really heavy-duty wok.

For the best and easiest roast chicken, heat oven to 450F. Heat a chicken-sized frying pan to smoking. Plop in dry whole chicken, around 3.5 to 4 pounds. (Chicken need not, actually should not be trussed.) Stand back and listen to the sizzle. After several minutes, if you have the patience, turn chicken and sear both sides. (I don’t bother.) Chicken will have formed a bottom crust and will easily release from pan. Move pan to oven and roast chicken for 50 minutes. Remove and let rest for 15-20 minutes. Sublime. This is a sloppy version of Judy Rogers’ famous Zuni Cafe chicken.