Even My Fair Lady? Fiddler on the Roof? The Fantastics (NOT the movie)?
A few days ago on Tubi I discovered a movie called Patterns from 1956 starring Van Heflin, Ed Begley, and Everett Sloane. It’s about brutal C suite infighting. Highly recommended.
Hair and Grease, that’s about it
It’s difficult to get Broadway stars into the movie versions of their shows. If the show is successful, it can run for years, and no producer will put out the film while the play is still pulling in an audience. Films come out only AFTER the play has run its course. As a result, stars will age out of their roles by the time the movie is greenlit, scripted, etc. and that’s even discounting the fact that it’s much easier for a 35 year old to play a ‘teenager’ in a live musical than on screen. Makeup and a lack of closeups go a long way.
For a while there was a lot of push to do Wicked as an animated film, which would have allowed much of the Broadway cast to reprise their roles vocally.
Here’s some storyboards. If you search YouTube, you can find a lot of folks playing with the idea in various styles.
PS and written by Rod Serling!
Forgot West Side Story and Porgy & Bess.
Ok, another one. Keep 'em coming, my brain is mush these days
Okay, so I’m done with the first season of Bad Sisters. I enjoyed a lot of it, but a number of things drove me crazy. First, these characters make terrible choices. Over and over. Choices no real human would make, like Becka and Ursula’s continued dangerous liaisons. Second, the plot has more holes than a wheel of Jarlsberg. To whit:
Eva and Bibi burn down JP’s cabin in the second episodes, and he KNOWS IT WAS THEM, as evidenced by the fact that he calls Eva just before the fire gets out of hand, and he also does some performative screaming right after to rattle them. Why does he do nothing with this information? Why does it take him until the almost-drowning to conclude that someone is trying to kill him?
There’s no foreshadowing that JP raped Eva, and there should be. There’s no foreshadowing that JP needs money from his father, and there should be. Ben’s “last straw” with Ursula also does not ring true - he’s already threatened to kill JP, so why is he so disgusted that she asks him to actually do it?
I hope the second season is a little tighter.
I’m generally not a fan of using rape as a plot point.It would’ve easily sufficed to portray him as the manipulative asshole he was. Not sure you’ll like the second season any better, TBH.
Speaking of another disappointing second season (although the first didn’t exactly blow us away either) — Shrinking turned into a saccharine trifle, just like the second season of Ted Lasso. Could not get through the first two episodes, but I find a lot of Apple TV shows rather contrived… with the brilliant Severance being a notable exception. I cannot wait for that to start up again.
Hard disagree on Shrinking and Ted Lasso, because I don’t mind heart-warming shows. I also loved Somebody Somewhere. I can’t take a steady diet of who-killed-this-guy - I need variety.
Well, there’s a lot of ground between heart-warming and “who-killed-this-guy” stories. I just can’t with the overtly sweet . One of the reasons I appreciated the first season of Ted Lasso was for the edge it had.
Someone Somewhere is on my watch list.
We were all right with second season of Lasso but baled after a few episodes in third season. I thought shrinking was too sitcomy right away and never got past first episode. We’ve been watching AP Bio on Netflix and had some good laughs. I need that these days (election and fires).
TBH I don’t even remember if we bailed after the second or third season of Ted Lasso. Whichever season it was, when it had lost the edge of the first one.
I enjoyed the first season of Shrinking more than my PIC did, mostly bc I thought Jason Segel’s honest approach to his clients was fantastic — if not very helpful or professional… but that’s why I am not a therapist
Hi HOs, locking this up and moving the convo to the 2025 thread here: What are you watching? - 2025