What are you watching? - 2025

Since I hang out in this thread more than almost any other, figured I’ll start the new year’s version.

What’s on your screens, be they computer, phone, tv, or silver?

Heck, live theater and museum exhibits qualify as well!


Watching a pile of movies with a wide age range of family.

Tonight – Wedding Crashers, that classic :joy:


Kinda racy if there’s kids in the room!

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The kids are teenagers and hve racy tastes :joy:


Well, then, carry on! I’m thinking of the montage of shots of the two leads falling into bed with guests and bridesmaids. And the family dinner scene. Wow, I remember more about this than I thought! I saw it in the theater.

We forward the bits and make loud disapproving noises chastising the kids for choosing such inappropriateness when those scenes come up. Good times.


:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Last day of 2024, and in the middle of Furiosa, a Mad Max Saga. So far, so good!

Once my Disney app connects with my chromecast again, I’ll hopefully end this final day of the year watching Home Alone 2. Pure nostalgia… :slight_smile:

We watched Home Alone 2 at Christmas - classic!

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So, people are watching stuff now, but actually in 2025?

Time travel is a wonderful thing :partying_face:

More New Year’s Day TV watching continues with the fam — Game Night is being searched for on the various streaming platforms, but if we can’t find it then I have said they have to find me something else with Jason Bateman.

In the meantime, I am burning through Season 2 of Silo (Apple TV+)while I putter and cook. I will have to rewatch S1 after this because I forgot most of it :joy:

Horrible bosses.

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Not optimal with Mom :joy:


We’re invited to a family member’s for dinner tonight but, depending on when we get home, there’s a plan to watch an old movie. We’ve got several lined up on the TIVO box. I see “Great Expectations” in our near future - that’s the 1946 version, starring John Mills. Then there’s a couple of early John Wayne movies to keep us going over the next day or so - She Wore a Yellow Ribbon and Rio Grande - two of the three “cavalry movies” . All three a great watch.

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That’s a solid plan! I will be joining our gang later today, steadfastly ignoring the teevee, for there will be sportsing events ad nauseam :roll_eyes: :sleeping:

I watched the classic “I thought this was a Hitchcock film”/“Best movie Hitchcock never made” 1963’s “Charade”. (actually directed by the great Stanley Donen.)

I hadn’t seen it in eons and had forgotten how wonderful it was❣️

I :heart: Charade! Is there a more perfect movie couple than Audrey Hepburn and >swooooooon< Cary Grant? :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

I don’t think so.


Watched his “Dial M for Murder” (1954) the other night. Yes, very dated but well put together as an adaptation of the original play. As ever with a Hitchcock movie, we were waiting for the man’s brief appearance on screen. No sign of him for ages, then spotted that he was included on a group photo on the wall. Clever.


That’s a good one, too. Unfortunately I nearly always confuse “Dial M For Murder” with “Sorry, Wrong Number”…but I love both of them!

I have actually managed never to see Dial M for Murder. There are a number of Hitchcock-shaped holes (a very distinct shape indeed) in my viewing. I’d like to fill some of those in this year. Thank you for the reminder.

Rope is on that list, too.