What has nature taught you?

Early last week the county cut the shoulders on the road I live on. The sickle mower used even crosses the ditch and knocked down all my mature asparagus growth. The stuff I missed when it was at its peak. I learned years ago, when this cutting happened, I’d have all new, delish asparagus in my ditch.

It’s a lesson I’m glad I learned , as it was unexpected. Now, I reap the late season bounty and have snatched up 3.5 lbs. the first week. The bag you see here was 2 days worth, and maybe 15 minutes of my time.

What lessons has mother earth taught you about her world?

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A few small patches of garlic chives will soon become patches off garlic chives growing randomly all over your backyard lawn. There’s been a few times this summer and fall when I’ve wanted greens, but have been sick of my usual salads or quick blanched/stir fried veggies and I’ve wandered outside to harvest the garlic chives. Even though they shouldn’t, I think even the bunnies nibble on them.

I saw a FB video in which a pet pig was escaping from his home to raid neighborhood jack-o- lanterns. Rather than anger, neighbors began a tradition of bringing their post-Halloween pumpkins, both carved and not, to the pig. Word spread, and last year a total of 10,000+ were gifted to him, and regifted to a pig rescue shelter. Meanwhile, the owner’s yard is now self-seeded with hundreds of pumpkins of its own…