What Are Your 3 Favorite Desserts?

Low carb be damned!

My favorite is nectarine, since there is no peeling, and a pretty color, but I won’t turn my nose up at peach, pluot, or plum! It has to have oatmeal in the topping.

I sometimes start with the Cooksillustrated recipe, although I’m sure there’s a paywall.


A combination of oats, flour, brown sugar, butter, and vegetable shortening gave us the best topping for our crisp recipe, one that baked up crunchy but still light and tender…"


“If you make the crisp topping in large quantities and freeze it, this dessert can be as simple as slicing up some fruit. Just store the topping in a large container or zipper-lock bag. When you need a quick dessert, scoop out the required amount (about two cups for the quantity of fruit in this recipe), sprinkle it over the prepared fruit, and bake.”

Also, consider tapioca flour (not pearls) to thicken the fruit juice. Not sure where I got that.
Thickeners-Fine Cooking

Here’s one from Seriouseats

That one and this one from Bon Appetit thicken the juice with corn starch.

Marian Burros Plum Torte
Peach Cobbler
Strawberry Summer Cake

I make them all gluten-free for a group that includes some gluten sensitive folks.


This looks right up my alley. I would adjust the sugar and top with Greek yogurt. Thanks, @shrinkrap.

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My favorite is-

  1. NaanKhatai( a type of biscuit)
  2. Moong Dhall Halwa( Recipe)
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And Boondi Ladoo! yes!

Yes definitely that also delicious, Now i am craving for it:yum:

That’s as good a recipe as any. It’s something we make a number of times each year, including an autumn version. It is, indeed, a British classic for summer - ranking up there with Eton Mess. It didnt make my “Top 3” but it would make my “Top 5”.

We’ve never lined the bowl with clingfilm and so long as you weight down the assembled pudding with a saucer and a couple of tins overnight, we’ve never had an issue unmoulding it.

As indicated, a mix of berries is needed - strawberry, raspberry and blackberry are fine. I think it really needs the currants to add a bit of tartness to what could otherwise be something overly sweet. You’ll have liquid leftover. Keep this till you eat it - you may need a little moistening if the bread hant fully soaked through.

Our autumn version would usually omit the strawberries,as they’ll have gone out of season, but probably include chopped plums.

Just needs some cream pouring over.

Speaking of summer puddings and the like, I really love Nigella Lawson’s book, Forever Summer. It has a lot of great summer dessert recipes, as well as light, summery type meal ideas. It’s a fairly old book by now, but love her writing and approach to food. Now that I’ve lost kitchen privileges, I better get the book out and bookmark some recipes for H to cook. Have a pretty tough life these days. Ok, time to file my nails now. Joking. :upside_down_face:


@Harters - Thanks for the validation. I get nervous when I wade into recipes that aren’t from my actual background (Eastern European Jewish)!

chocolate lava cake, lemon tart and panna cotta

Willie’s Crisp, recipe available from google, is so delicious with summer fruits. So easy, just follow the directions. I like it with sliced nectarines, blackberries, blueberries.

Help, how to add photo?

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You have to have the photo on your phone, tablet, laptop, desktop. Then click the up arrow :arrow_up: in the lower right hand corner of your new post, find the photo, select it and allow it to upload before you hit Reply on the post.

ETA: I see you figured it out!


Some type of chocolate mousse.
Smith & Kearns (otherwise a glass of chocolate cream)
Orange slices


It changes.

Right now, I want Victoria Sponge or a Fraisier.


Carrot cake
Lemon meringue pie
Boston Creme pie


Depending on the mood I’m in…

  1. Debbie Fields’ Triple Chocolate Layer Cake
  2. My mother’s custard ( recipe went with her)
  3. Opera Cake
  4. Avocado Cream Pie

Avocado cream pie is sweet?
Interesting :cat:

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Ice cream.
Homemade fruit desserts like cobbler, crisp, pie, etc.
Homemade Bundts, usually citrus.


Ice cream
Dense cheesecake
Carrot cake