What are you listening to?

I think it might have been Salt n Pepa who started this (for want of a better word) sub-genre, with None of Your Business. But I’m probably missing about a million other examples.



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Awesome - thanks so much! I’ll take a trip down memory lane soon with my namesake, or rather vice versa.

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I’ll be a happy girl Saturday…scored tickets to Big Bad Voodoo Daddy!

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We must read the same publications :laughing:


A unsung musician WAY ahead of the curve. Read about Nesmith, you may be surprised.

RIP Mike.


Yes, RIP Mike M - definitely a creative genius! I did read a great article about him today, and had no idea of his other accomplishments. Also, did you know, his single mother invented Liquid Paper? She used to mix it up in her blender, evidently filed for patent protection, and made a fortune from it!

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Oh and the lawsuit btwn his production co and PBS! He was a deadly serious businessman but had a great sense of humor.

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Oh I know @Rooster! I really got a laugh when he wasn’t quite mollified by his settlement with PBS; the part about likening it to granny stealing your stereo, and being happy about getting it back, but with the knowledge that dear old granny is a THIEF! Sad to see so many musicians of that era journeying on…

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I wear a set of Bose noise-cancelling headphones when DH watches sports. Ran across this performance on YouTube and have listened to it twice so far…LOUD…


LOVE JB, and especially The Load Out, and Stay. Great musician! Have a couple friends who met him in New Mexico one time, on one of his anti-nuclear rallies. They of course didn’t disclose at the time that they were exploration geologists seeking uranium deposits. :scream_cat: Don’t judge please. (Just think it’s kind of funny…)

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I was into jazz when I met my future mate in the 70’s, and he turned me on to other genres. I distinctly remember one night we were listening to JB. I had heard his song Rosie many times and I finally got it. I almost peed my pants laughing…


I’ll have to queue Rosie up tomorrow and give it a listen.

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I listen to music while watching sports too. :wink: :cowboy_hat_face:


After moving about 18 inches of global warming off one of the drives I’m settled inside piping one of the coolest musicians through the house.

Love how it picks up once he joins in.

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